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                  Fearinqzs / Verdactile Dox
           Been a while since a post but here we go!

|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x03  Social Media Accounts....................          |
|      0x04  Family Members Information...............          |
|      0x05  Contacts.................................          |
|                      0x01  Introduction                       |

To start off, me and Fearinqzs used to work as partners for a while and were kind of close friends.
I grew to trust him until one day we started a thing together, he cut me out without saying and from there on we fell out.
Ever since he's been claiming I'm a "scammer" because I left com with a running service. He expects me to reimburse over 5k+ worth of customers??
To make it fair, I left my servers running until expiry and gave every customer the max plan to enjoy.
Now recently, He was posted in the popular scammer exposing channel by "Space" (https://t.me/scam_exposing/1638) which made him change his name.
For some reason, he decided to make a completely false dox about me and claiming I'm a scammer once again so I'll do the same thing except with the truth.

|                  0x02  Personal Information                   |
Name - Levi Taylor
Mugshot - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1215116736408461322/1244802781752328192/IMG_0102.jpg
Occupation - Professional Crackhead
Race - Caucasian
Ethnicity - British
Gender - Male
Sexuality - Probably gay, never seen him with a girl
Relationship Status - Lonely
Age - 17 (I believe 18 in october)
Mobile Phone Number - +447300 496764
Direct Address - 10 Longmead Road
Country - UK (Isle of Wight)
Town - Ryde
|                  0x03  Social Media Accounts                  |
Online Alias - Fearinqzs, tcp.sh, Defiying.sh, Verdactile
PSN id - Fearinqzs, BlackieChaun
Instagram - fearinqzs
|               0x04  Family Members Information                |
- Mum -
Name - Rikki Taylor
Address - same as him
Email - rikkitaylor200@gmail.com
- Dad -
Ain't even got one his mums a slapper who had a baby with a pedo lool
- Sister -
Phone Number: +447501 188215
|                        0x05  Contacts                         |
-Discord- fearinqzs
-Telegram- https://t.me/Verdactile