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.                                                     - -:  .-====-::.. .        .=:   %@@@@@@@%*                                                                      .
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.                                            .       *         ##.       -       ::     :@@@@@@@++=-  ..-: :                                                           .
.                                                    =         .:       :=              %@@@@@#-=-=:..   -::%-                                                         .
.                                                     .                :    Fucked     *@@@@#             *@%%                                                         .
.                            -           .           --        .:  :-         by      *@@@#               :%##%*                                                       .
.                       :               .           :#.*.=%*+==: .=       Vanis       +@@@@+                  ####                                                     .
.                                :=#   =           .%*=#++.   ::                      +@@@%.                    #%.                                                    .
.                   . --      +***+==#+.          :#.  ..   :=                        *@@@#                        +    +                                              .
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.                                        .: .+%@-   .:                                 +%                                                                              .
.            :                  .--**                                                                                                                                  .
.            .:               .::::--                                                                   Ohjay,Vanis,Souless,Sins                                       .
.            ..       ..                                                                                                                                               .
.                                                                                                                                                                      .
.                                                          ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗                                               .
.                                                          ║		     Table Of Contents                         ║                                               .
.                                                          ║ →     0x01 Reason.........................................║					       .
.                                                          ║ →     0x02 Basic Information..............................║					       .
.                                                          ║ →     0x03 Personal Information...........................║					       .
.                                                          ║ →     0x04 Credits........................................║					       .
.                                                          ║ →     0x05 Family.........................................║					       .
.                                                          ║                                                           ║					       .
.                                                          ║	                     Credits                           ║ 					       .
.                                                          ║ →             https://doxbin.com/user/vanis               ║                                               .
.                                                          ║                       Made By Vanis                       ║                                               .
.                                                          ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ 	                                       .
.				                                              Template made by Vanis                                                                   .

                                                                                Greetings Hacker!
  [ NEIGHBORHOOD  ????  WATCH ]: Welcome today back from Vaction, Today we have Fay Also known as 24kRake, Rake has been useful key to this so called Com?
                              News has been posted, and teaching this skid how to code blah blah blah and a bunch of more items and things that this nigger does 

| Vissage X Vanis] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓█ ▓░█[   HALL OF RETARDS  |

                         >  https://imgur.com/hu0Lqsc - Old Pic (11 Years Old)

                         >  https://imgur.com/LoD6sfR - New Cut (Mothers Facebook)

                         >  https://streamable.com/i170u9 - Packing Video (Fay Packing) 

                         >  https://imgur.com/odlfl1J - Logged Discord Account (Fay)

                         >  https://imgur.com/5AljJ6G - Face Pic (Fay) 

                         >  https://imgur.com/wWGvhzA - Eating (Fay)

                         >  https://imgur.com/bmbKLxI - Holding Dog (Dog)

                         >  https://streamable.com/m7wf5k - "rake dancing or something" (Fay)

                         >  https://streamable.com/fa80be - rake dancing (2021)

                         >  https://imgur.com/gDdJLWP - Snapchat (2022)

                         >  https://imgur.com/BHnFo19 - Logged (By Ohjay 2022)

                         >  https://imgur.com/U1Kfzfv - Payment Info (2022)

                         >  https://imgur.com/6bN4Bt1 - Discord Info (2022)

                         >  https://imgur.com/fXGBAcZ - Face Pic (2017 Ish)

| Vissage X Vanis] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓█ ▓░█[ ALIAS / PSUEDONYMS |

        [A]  Pseudonyms:							 [A]  Aliases:
             • Pseudonyms: Jerell Wortham                                               • Allias: Fay

             • Pseudonyms: Jerell                                                       • Allias: 666 Fay 
             • Pseudonyms: Xqzryy                                                       • Allias: Iraq 

             • Pseudonyms: Fay/Sad                                                      • Allias: Alex 


| Vissage X Vanis] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓█ ▓░█[ BASIC INFORMATION  |

  [A] Main Information 

                           <──────────── Fay ────────────>

    • Name: Jerell Wortham
           • Email: worthamjuju@gmail.com   <- (Discord Email)
           • Email: jerellwortham2026@afscholars.org <-- (School Email)
           • Phone: 1-646-533-4623 <-- (Mothers Phone Number)
      •  Address: 33 Saratoga Ave, Brooklyn, 11223, New York
    • Ethnicity: African American
    • Hair Color: black 
    • Weight: 100 ish LB
    • Eye Color: Brown
    • Face Pics: HALL OF RETARDS
     • Socials: https://snanpchat.com/dtbjuu

    • Roblox Account Linked: 

                  __  __       _   _               
		 |  \/  | ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
		 | |\/| |/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
		 | |  | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |   
		 |_|  |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|   

                           <──────────── Mother ────────────>

    • Name: Jenney Prinston
           • Ethnicity: African American
           • Hair Color: Black 
           • Eye Color:  Black
    • Age: 31
    • DOB: 1991
         • Ethnicity: African American
         • Hair Color: N/A
         • Face Pic
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/a/h91JI67 - Face Pic 
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/a/OsnOs1B - Face Pic
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/5Vjb7E9 - Face Pic 
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/Gw3rU2X
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/7If5vRZ - Face Pic ( August 28, 2017 )
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/fXkxhXc - Face Pic ( August 28, 2017 )
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/Dpolgxr - Mothers Death (April 19, 2020)
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/Kfk7UzJ - Fathers Death (May 7, 2020)

                  _____     _   _               
		 |  ___|_ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
		 | |_ / _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
		 |  _| (_| | |_| | | |  __/ |   
		 |_|  \__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_|  

                           <──────────── Father ────────────>
           • Name: Jerell Wortham
           • Ethnicity: African American
           • Hair Color: Black 
           • Eye Color:  Black
           • Face:       https://imgur.com/bGkpIZd
           • Current Location: Canton Michigan
           • Gang Affiliation: 8FS
           • Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=GdBNj-UkRWI&feature=youtu.be <-- (Fathers Music Team)
           • https://www.instagram.com/riot_rell8fs/?hl=en <-- (Fathers Instagram)
           • https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17937922771325904/ <-- (Fathers Reels)
           • https://imgur.com/f6DACno - Face Pic (Edgewater, New Jersey)
           • https://imgur.com/UHEtZw0 - Face Pic (New York City, N.Y.)

                           <──────────── Socials ────────────>

https://www.instagram.com/riot_rell8fs/?hl=en <-- (Fathers Instagram)

https://www.facebook.com/jenneyprinston89 <-- (Mothers Facebook)

https://www.instagram.com/verydisrespectful/?hl=en <-- (Mothers Instagram) 

                           <──────────── Billing Info ────────────>

               • [Payment Type]     PayPal    
               • [PayPal Name]      Jerell Wortham
               • [PayPal Email]     worthamjuju@gmail.com 
               • [Address 1]        33 Saratoga Ave       <-- Address Unknown Possible Family Member
               • [City]             Brooklyn
               • [Postal Code]      11223
               • [State]            NY
               • [Country]          US
                          <─────────── Security Info ───────────>

                    •[User ID]         544997737796730890
                    •[Created at]      12-02-2019 21:46:26 UTC
                    •[Language]        en-US
                    •[Badges]          None
                    •[Avatar URL]      https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/544997737796730890/c5121d6525a15f8c403811b1b5008f21.webp
                    •[Token]           NTQ0OTk3NzM3Nzk2NzMwODkw.GiR1wn.PjjOM_mUCfp_QKe139c_dxUX2MpC_zvWy2nTgI

                              <─────────── Security Info ───────────>

                              •[2 Factor]        True
                              •[Email]           worthamjuju@gmail.com
                              •[Phone number]    +16465334623

                              <──────────── Nitro Info ─────────────>

                              •[Nitro Status]    True
                              •[Expires in]      30 day(s)

                           <──────────── Aunt ────────────>

           • Name: Geraline Wortham
           • Ethnicity: African American
           • Hair Color: Black 
           • Eye Color:  Black
           • School: Thomas Jefferson High School
           • College: Boys and Girls High School 
              Graduated in 1982
           • Work: Brooklyn, New York
           • Status: Single
           • Social Medias : https://www.facebook.com/geraline.wortham

                   [A]  https://imgur.com/Dups1Qz - Face Pic (July 18, 2020)
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/7pcFeEk - Face Pic 
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/drXpNfN - Face Pic 
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/VTUHEs1 - Face Pic 
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/jHwRv47 - Face Pic 
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/33Ottf4 Face Pic - (Mothers Day)

                           <──────────── Family Member  ────────────>

           • Name: Gwendolyn Wortham
           • Ethnicity: African American
           • Hair Color: Black 
           • Eye Color:  Black
           • Work: Franklin Nursing Home
           • School: Thomas Jefferson High School
           • Lives:  East New York
           • From:  Brooklyn, New York
           • Social Media : https://www.facebook.com/gwendolyn.wortham

                   [A]  https://imgur.com/uPfmXTx - Face Pic
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/6LAmR0U - Family Pic 
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/LoTGGj8 - Family Pic 
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/j5GgI4G - Mother And Son Pic 
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/f67Hbz4 - Family Pic 
                   [A]  https://www.facebook.com/100063909011016/videos/5687257781303894 (Grandmother Video) 

                           <──────────── Family Member  ────────────>

           • Name: James Wortham
           • Ethnicity: African American
           • Hair Color: Black 
           • Eye Color:  Black
           • Lives:  East New York
           • From:  Brooklyn, New York

                   [A]  https://imgur.com/7nc4XZr - Face Pic 
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/J3UKEHP - Face Pic
                   [A]  https://imgur.com/i6HwAfv - Face Pic

                           <──────────── Family Member  ────────────>

           • Name: Clifford Wortham
           • Ethnicity: African American
           • Hair Color: Black 
           • Eye Color:  Black
           • Lives:  East New York
           • From:  Brooklyn, New York
           • Age: N/A

                   [A]  https://imgur.com/Qpj4nop Face Pic (July 4, 2021)

| Vissage X Vanis] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓█ ▓░█[      CREDITS       |


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