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------------------------ PERSONAL INFORMATION ------------------------
- Name: Nikolai Dimitrov Chuchev
- Age: 16/17
- Status: Single
- IP Address: 
- DOB: xx/12/2007
- Ethnicity: Bulgarian
- Resides in: Bulgaria, Sofia, Capital 
- Occupation: Playing Roblox girly games 24/7
- Activities: Grooming children, being sexist and harassing women's (main reason for the dox) 
- interests: buying body pillows and sleeping + flexing with them 💀💀💀
- gif of him with the body pillow: https://imgur.com/gallery/his-body-pillow-xd-v9Uj4u0 
- Current address: G.K. Mladost 4, Sofia 

(no need for photos, i think the gif is enough to understand how retarded and braindead he really is)
------------------------ SOCIALS ------------------------
- Online alias: Nezuko, Fauna
- Roblox profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/684869225/profile?friendshipSourceType=PlayerSearch
- Discord: https://imgur.com/gallery/this-kid-dwYyzbm
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nikolai.chuchev.5
- Instagram: N/A
- Snapchat: N/A


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