
Full name: Slavița Diana Mihaela
Age: 15
Ethnicity: White (Romanian)
Phone Number: +40 749 553 744

Current School: https://ibb.co/L0K7Tsf

Her house & street: https://ibb.co/p39GRhh

Diana: https://ibb.co/zQGtHty

Instagram: diana_slavita [PRIVATE]

Snapchat: dslavita1

Facebook: Unknown

TikTok: Unkown.
               Friends and Relatives:

Bestfriend: Hojda Gabriela Georgiana
Phone number: +40 741 748 031
Current School: same school
Adress: Unknown.
Instagram: gabriela_hojda6
Snapchat: Unknown.
Gabriela: https://ibb.co/yQs4bbd
Ethnicity: White (Italian)
Age: 15

Mother: Adina Slavița
Phone number: Unkown.
Adress: Same as Diana's.
Job: Works at "Profi City" in Borșa
Facebook: Unknown.
Age: 30-45
Ethnicity: White (Romanian)

Father: Unknown.
Job: Unknown.
Age: 30-50
Ethnicity: Unknown.
These two girls are the most spoiled, annoying,
self-fish and pathethic persons i've ever met.
Give em'a taste of their own medicine by calling
and roasting the hell outta' them.
Thank you, dear DoxBin users. :) 