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 Reason for dox:

➤ Eats grape vines and the little stringy bits off bananas.

➤ Socks with sandals.

➤ Bites toenails.

➤ Stinky.

➤ Furry.

➤ Fat.

➤ Oink Oink Piggy.     

Personal info (all legally obtained >-<):

➤ Name: Sarah Terrance

➤ Gender: Trans (Male to Female)

➤ DoB: 21/02/1999 (24 y/o)                                                                   
➤ Occupation: Eating McDonald's every day,
 sitting on people and suffocating them to death,
 being obese and stealing packed lunches.

➤ Address: 6 The Avenue
            NW64 3JC

➤ Her Kawaii Face *-*:


➤ ChunkyPaws
➤ SarahTer
➤ Dinyy


➤ Tiktok: @Dinyyrevived
➤ Discord: ChunkyPaws<3#0001


get doxxed fatty ~ R ;)