========Name of victim========
Name: Thomas Clark 

========Age of victim========
Age: 18
DoB: March 24th, 2003

========First encounter of Thomas Clark========
First encounter: A boy sent us a screen recording of the chat they've had on Snapchat.

========Reason of Dox========
Reason for dox: Sending explicit videos and audio messages to minors.

========Evidence of Thomas Clark========
https://mega.nz/file/agFzxAiB#eTrqjXlcZmfN5g16VVDkL_W6J-gMxXjfvcfTbfGlAks - This is his TikTok profile - he has 83.1k followers and 3.3 million likes.
https://mega.nz/file/uscDCYyK#y3iGT0vHyIgtuipNHsgq9JjnghWqmHSiTxd9sO8XKw8 - This is an explicit video of him.
https://mega.nz/file/zoNVWaaD#w2U15hLynyz7aox00xsuEKvGmSdtTiQKYuH2iEMr0N0 - Here is a voice message from him.
https://mega.nz/file/v9UkBb7L#ML0CE-iGqWyCi9l-SFNRCGWr92x5GGqx6nxC58P5yqE - This is his old TikTok profile - he has 0 followers and 0 likes etc.
https://mega.nz/file/OskUgA5S#YcU4uGjTHU8mDi_ILohxvvesnXsahmc96_6QgZlP2MM - 1st Instagram profile
https://mega.nz/file/ngMUBLDA#Yt0m_erz5gTjsoLiFevSY0QDp__tPa6AR_KUwGOygVM - 2nd Instagram profile
https://mega.nz/file/n8MmST6b#KdeCxKdzOix5A7M5GWLIeC4EAenGVQ1CQZi-M5Pqwo0 - 3rd Instagram profile
https://mega.nz/file/LskSQC4B#ayj3B1DbffUc29HzRiqV0qYlNhWHwoWNITGg86SBpWY - 1st Twitter profile
https://mega.nz/file/jt0iwI4L#OfGZ6rRV9Hd5dbmPQxqoiiOgESM8VZ_aaPRbqMUpplY - 1st FaceBook profile
https://mega.nz/file/6w8QSLqY#-1jQcQs9VyMfnKEmvrWATlyGFjn_R5FwxSvTr8t2ydM - 2nd FaceBook profile

Education: Rainhill High School
(Assuming that his education is Rainhil High School as his sister attended that school and one of the pictures on
Jenna Clark's FaceBook has a picture of them both wearing the same school uniform)
https://mega.nz/file/T4cAxbSJ#OjCSAy4c4aVdysCZVNzqDu5R_tCuvSzQPTU5LZR7p0w - Picture of both of them, wearing the same school

========Location of Thomas Clark========
Location: UK, St.Helens, Merseyside

========Physical features of Thomas Clark========
Height: N/A
Body type: Slim
Skin colour: White
Hair colour: Blonde
Hair type: N/A
Eye colour: N/A
Foot size: N/A

========Social Media========
1st Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tsclark16/
2nd Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tomclark.16/
3rd Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tsclark15/

1st Snapchat: tclark.17
2nd Snapchat: tsclark17 
3rd Snapchat: tsclark16 

1st Twitter: https://twitter.com/tomclarkoffici1
1st Twitter account ID: 1294987273419853825

1st Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008663267761
2nd FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100042009365502&sk=about

1st TikTok: tom_clarkofficial
2nd TikTok: tom_clarkofficial8 - This is now a deleted account

========Family/Relations of Thomas Clark========
Father's name: Steven Clark
Mother's name: Jenna Clark
Sister's name: Ellie Clark
Grandmother's name: Julie Waring Bickerstaffe
Possibly Uncle's  name: Jake Bickerstaffe
Unkown Relation's name: Amanda Clark

========Ellie Clark's Information========
Ellie Clark's Phone Number: +44 07925 350403

Ellie Clark's Dob: 24th March, 2003

Ellie Clark's 1st FaceBook:
https://mega.nz/file/m0FyRBJL#E5eV5jZyWf9ef8Hr1gCGikOVMgdXs6MoX7zZHkEBF-A - Backup in case profile gets removed
Ellie Clark's 2nd FaceBook:
https://mega.nz/file/71cjBQLA#WIV4eMMgmL5jKBBP_MD3WPqi0NQGRjVlHrNFLYna9fA - Backup in case profile gets removed

Location: St.Helens, Merseyside, UK

Education: Rainhill High School
========Steven Clark's Information========
Steven Clark's Phone Number: +44 07795 467809

Steven Clark's DoB: N/A

Steven Clark's 1st FaceBook:
https://mega.nz/file/WkMCiR7Z#s2EXtI8WugXAnwSp6-UopNAv4Jtm1wx6kRZuyiftrZM - Backup in case profile gets removed

Location: St.Helens, Merseyside, UK

Education: De La Salle High School St Helens
========Jenna Clark's Information========
Jenna Clark's Phone Number: N/A

Jenna Clark's DoB: N/A

Jenna Clark's 1st FaceBook:
https://mega.nz/file/n5diRJgI#bGMwdbjvRt01EpAqhAd1quRXEKQOgwILxAT6AWG3g2E - Backup in case profile gets removed

Jenna Clark's 2nd FaceBook:
https://mega.nz/file/3gFxwYCY#7zbjsF2HBFPnjSxwckT-22cBfh4TGo-Eb7cOVRatUHY - Backup in case profile gets removed

Location: St.Helens, Merseyside, UK

Education: Rainford High School

Possible workplace: SPAR, St.Helens, Merseyside, UK
There are five SPAR shops in St.Helens, Merseyside.
Here are the addresses to all five SPAR shops:
The fifth link will be uploaded shortly, there's currently an issue with  the mega link

The reason why we have found this out was because of something on Jenna Clark's FaceBook Profile, stating that she is a 
retail assistant at SPAR:

========Amanda Clark's Information========
Amanda Clark's Phone number: N/A

Amanda Clark's DoB: N/A

Amanda Clark's 1st Instagram:
https://mega.nz/file/751njAzQ#BzqO1JRYdS2xZ6-zlqMCAVOEfPVzNN0vnqmqJzD6HaU - Backup in case profile gets removed

Location: N/A

Education: N/A

========Julie Waring Bickerstaffe's Information========
Julie Waring Bickerstaffe's Phone number: N/A

Julie Waring Bickerstaffe's DoB: N/A

Julie Waring Bickerstaffe's 1st Instagram:
https://mega.nz/file/jg8nUQJT#ourbltanAVUVeIhOG5ROR8o5OLNfmeYNIgGjf_2_W0w - Backup in case profile gets removed

Julie Waring Bickerstaffe's 1st FaceBook:
https://mega.nz/file/OwsGQbIQ#7s4MV_Yr5ZPeRzGGMOPcR16JZyWYwfD-mMM4oHk0clY - Backup in case profile gets removed

Location: N/A

Education: N/A

========Jake Bickerstaffe's information========
Phone  number: N/A

Jake Bickerstaffe's  DoB: N/A

Jake Bickerstaffe's 1st Instagram:
https://mega.nz/file/e59kXQzB#IyZa76iy1UsO1cb1tbRR8jq1UBnBS4APf72aQAnvBxw - Backup in case profile gets removed

Jake Bickerstaffe's 1st FaceBook:
https://mega.nz/file/f4tiCCrY#mksKmTWnlPFgc-PAHsnfJREQgx7vNZueE1_L7XhGX0w - Backup in case profile gets removed

Location: Liverpool, UK

Education: N/A

========More information about Thomas Clark's Family========
Steven Clark and Jenna Clark live in the same house, Ellie and Thomas Clark may also live in the same house as well. 
Steven and Jenna Clark are both married to each other.
Julie Waring Bickerstaffe is the grandmother of Ellie and Thomas Clark.
Jenna Clark's Maiden name is Waring, so this verifies that Julie Waring Bickerstaffe is the grandmother of Thomas and Ellie Clark.
Thomas and Ellie clark are twins according to Jenna Clark's FaceBook  bio.
We might of found out that the uncle's  name is Jake as well as some of his social media information which has been listed above.

========Any other information========
People have called him out on what he has been doing - sending explicit images and videos to minors. 
We have been looking through his social medias, especially his FaceBook. 
We have also called Ellie Clark's and Steven Clark's phone number, they picked up. Both numbers had the same male voice come through. 

Alarming behaviour about Steven Clark.
We have done some further investigation on his father and we have found some alarming images. He has posted things such as "Share if you think Britain should ban the Burka..."
https://mega.nz/file/m4VmVTKa#wodNYJtHTCpSv7XsA1nDl5ux3J4oT69hvYMtZU0_kok - Here is an image supporting what I've just mentioned. You can scroll all the way down on his FaceBook profile to 13th August 2018 and you can see the post
for yourself.

This image is about him making light of domestic abuse. The caption of this post saying "A man who hits a woman is not a man! If you agree with me share.". Then Steven Clark replying with "I'm ok with not being a man." 
https://mega.nz/file/DxUklTDQ#xVfD3S3CrVM8EU4_8vdlTyo1UfX4Lu5BGWRiIGyQWsA - You can scroll all the way down on his FaceBook profile to 8th September 2018 and you can see the post
for yourself.

IMPORTANT!!! This has just verified what we need to know, someone else has just found out about what he has been doing, 
this is most likely why he's removed his TikTok. 
People know about him now. https://mega.nz/file/e9N2zBKa#RUeqC8PPYsQYjXm8LS-f9hfWj1CZbdOL6vKqNFNRwe0

========Ending of Dox========
For any other information that you have found or if you have any questions, the best way to contact us is on Telegram. This is our telegram: @OPKG_21
Please spread this Dox everywhere. This has only came up in less than a week and it's extremely recent. Blow this up on all social medias and make it known.
Thomas Clark the TikTokker is a sexual predator. He has been sending  explicit images and videos to minors. Share this now! Do as much as you can to fuck this person up.

You have now ruined your family's name and your future. Look at what YOU have done. Do not forget this moment. Do not forget what you've done. You have made a huge mistake 
and soon everyone will know.

If you want this dox to be taken down, send us 2,000 GBP to this Bitcoin address: 1FVkPgbco8C5mkUL5sBqA5c9J685kgurQ2
If you do not comply, this DOX will stay up and continue to spread. You can contact us through Telegram. 

Anonymous commenter posting Ellie Clark's Phone Number.
Discord user telling us Steven Clark's Phone Number.
OPKG team finding all information that has been written down on this dox.