-- Reason for dox: Stealing kids lunch money from kids way below his grade | Doxxing people and prints out their dox and puts it in their victims locker | Finding out females numbers just to tell them that they are ugly pigs | Fake bomb threats | Falsely accusing James Charles of being a pedo during the Tati Drama | Pretending to be Keemstar to try to scam people | Manipulates kids to bully other kids | etc. --

-- Personal Info --
Aliases: FaZe PWNz,  PWNZ, Leathercel, KillerKEEMSTARx
Full Name: Phillip Daniel Jackleather Jr.
Address: 1903 SE Ankeny St. Portland, OR 97214
Phone Number: 503-231-1350
Skype: KillerKEEMSTARx

-- Social Networks --
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoMDf4tvJ-Sd-3fr6VnGzRQ
(New) Twitter: https://twitter.com/FaZePWNzBLUE
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phillippwnz/

-- Family Info --
Mother’s Full Name: Karen Anne Wides Jackleather
Mother’s Address: 1903 SE Ankeny St. Portland OR 97214
Mother’s Phone Number:  503-231-0392
Mother’s Email: kjackleather@yahoo.com

Father’s Full Name: Phillip Daniel Jackleather Sr.
Father’s Address: 911 Elliott Rd, Newberg, OR 97132
Father’s Phone Number: 503-966-5171
Father’s Email: phillipjackleather@hotmail.com