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\__|  \__|\__|  \__|\__|      \________|\_______/       \_______/    \__|          \__|     \__|\__|  \__|\__|  \__|\__|     \__|

Fairy is an autistic trans from Jordan who lies about having funds, being harmful and having ownership of previous semi/og account names. 
She can't handle the fact that she is poor and her mother and father don't love her or the decisions that she is making. She has changed alias to Kuromi 
larping that she has the account even though she was never the owner of the account has never been the owner of the account. It has been locked for a while 
and the last owner was Australian https://namemc.com/profile/Kuromi.5 https://gyazo.com/3c735312e7244123b575dbc87403064b

	First Name : Noor / Ibrahim
        Last Name : Scott / Obeidat
        Email Addresses : humzaibrahim@gmail.com nlebetterybassfacts@gmail.com  kalmnays88@gmail.com 
        IP : (static)
        Phone Number : +962790931476 and +962799628783 https://gyazo.com/91dd25ef676068d5dd667b85d04fdcd0
        Birth Country : Jordan 

        Address : Al Urdon Street, 11110 Marka Sub-District, Jordan

        Irl : https://gyazo.com/0c51a546ff6a6d2d6e549a1273ced6f7 

        Old Discord Token : NDA1NDI4NjEyMDY2NTc0MzU3.HPHha9.jsYy9LzT6v_9PR4Mbc-cDBtgJ2uF2ByAh7v_d8


							-> Weird and Disgusting Behaviour
            https://gyazo.com/cc18e24672c1b657aafb8a422655b362 - Here he was speaking to a 14 year old boy 
            https://gyazo.com/1e6b57140dd715fec7bf0f569334e617 - Here he was speaking to someone in the hcf community
            https://gyazo.com/c6411d8f2ec72be26a4c233dfaf0f189 - Just disgusting behaviour edating online
            https://gyazo.com/b3487c812dd678b7274872db9be56d75 - Saying he is going to k*s after getting blocked by his eboyfriend
            https://gyazo.com/3c3e0ec8944a741d9a4e595505c8b526 - Here he is saying how he doesn't like his own mother
            https://gyazo.com/3d5aa46f7bc63a28a331f612c7d850a9 - Here he is saying how his mum abuses him
            https://gyazo.com/568e1ab1d43a7875b323f9a1b7c45cbc - Calls me poor but asks for 2k?


s/o everyone who's given me the information and helping me with the pastebin <3

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