D::::::::::::DDD   E::::::::::::::::::::EE::::::::::::::::::::EV::::::V           V::::::V  A:::A              
                                                      D:::::::::::::::DD E::::::::::::::::::::EE::::::::::::::::::::EV::::::V           V::::::V A:::::A             
                                                      DDD:::::DDDDD:::::DEE::::::EEEEEEEEE::::EEE::::::EEEEEEEEE::::EV::::::V           V::::::VA:::::::A            
                                                        D:::::D    D:::::D E:::::E       EEEEEE  E:::::E       EEEEEE V:::::V           V:::::VA:::::::::A           
                                                        D:::::D     D:::::DE:::::E               E:::::E               V:::::V         V:::::VA:::::A:::::A          
                                                        D:::::D     D:::::DE::::::EEEEEEEEEE     E::::::EEEEEEEEEE      V:::::V       V:::::VA:::::A A:::::A         
                                                        D:::::D     D:::::DE:::::::::::::::E     E:::::::::::::::E       V:::::V     V:::::VA:::::A   A:::::A        
                                                        D:::::D     D:::::DE:::::::::::::::E     E:::::::::::::::E        V:::::V   V:::::VA:::::A     A:::::A       
                                                        D:::::D     D:::::DE::::::EEEEEEEEEE     E::::::EEEEEEEEEE         V:::::V V:::::VA:::::AAAAAAAAA:::::A      
                                                        D:::::D     D:::::DE:::::E               E:::::E                    V:::::V:::::VA:::::::::::::::::::::A     
                                                        D:::::D    D:::::D E:::::E       EEEEEE  E:::::E       EEEEEE        V:::::::::VA:::::AAAAAAAAAAAAA:::::A    
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                                                      DDDDDDDDDDDDD      EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE            VVVAAAAAAA                   AAAAAAA
                                                                                                  created by big lad cow :)

                                                                            "Heard home boy shot dirt, I can get man robbed on the count of three" -cow


Deeva, the femboy. the autistic 'girl' that sells thigh fansigns and buys friends. you've been ran by MCG. you've crossed your line... so we've crossed ours, please note we could have gone into alot more detail with this dox.

at the end of the day, you've said the wrong thing to the wrong people. yourself and your cocky ego has dug you into this hole. this dox doesnt contain information that could potentially ruin your life. but like i said before just know
it is possible for us to gather much more information. this is the first write up. more may be released depending on the outcome after this file is made public. 


Full Name          : Darcie Jennings
Gender             : Female
Age                : 17
Education          : 
Home Address       : 24 coleman cresent, ramsgate
Zip Code           : CT12 6AB
City               : Margate
County             : Kent
Country            : United Kingdom
Mobile Number:     : 		   
Known Alias(s)     : deeva, darc, darcy, darcie, million, nymph, ariiana
Known passwords    : 

Mothers Name       : Vikki-anne Collins
Fathers Name       : Bradley Jennings
Grand-Mothers Name : Susan Giles https://www.facebook.com/susan.giles.5494/
Other Family       : Mary Nel, Jayne Collins, Hazel Coggin, Lynette Collins, Phyllis Jennings (Aunt), Peter Jennings (Uncle)... has family in south africa (not all of these are confirmed, but is very likely they are relatives)


Personal Facebook  : https://facebook.com/snakeuo
Instagram/s        : https://instagram.com/momikuchi, https://www.instagram.com/deevawashere/
Twitter            : https://twitter.com/nomikuchi
Snapchat           : bijinnnnn, recordco
Twitch             : https://www.twitch.tv/darcttv
Discord            : darc#8008
Email Address      : amnoxui@gmail.com (maybe dummy/spam)
Photo's off her    : https://imgur.com/xCLWN5l


you got put in a spliff deeva

Personal investigation conducted by MCG

#3Boxes #3Boxes #3Boxes

