News from the inside:
The shadow government is real.
There are some good people on the inside.
Vault 7 refers to the FBI data vault containing information about the 7th floor group. This data vault is currently only accessible via direct personal access. It is literally a server room in a bomb/electromagnetic proof vault with zero outside access connections.
Global elites, The Bilderberg group, Zionist Elders, corporate entities, and banking entities comprise the bulk of the middle echelon. It is estimated that there are approximately 7 supervisor entities that pull the strings of the middle henchmen. We believe one is dead and two others have not been heard from since the election of Donald Trump.
They have gained control of the intelligence organizations, the media, and some politicians.
If they wage war on Trump then they wage war on the people.
You must start fighting.
This is a cyber war and an information war.
There are no rules. There is no parley. There are no prisoners. There are no innocents.
Win at all costs.
QUESTION: How'd wikileaks get airgapped materials?
ANSWER: >There are some good people on the inside.
QUESTION: Do you have a single fact to back this up?
ANSWER: Not a one I'd never be involved in something like that~
Keep your eyes on the data dump sites. I presume things will tart to appear once it's scrubbed and verified. (as best as possible)
Save it. Put it on a thumb drive.
Things are going to get crazy soon.
QUESTION: This is from the FBI's own website, and a PDF they posted.
Is the server in Antarctica OP?
Thread theme. /
ANSWER: It's in the Rockies. Colorado area.
QUESTION: Trump is literally a kike-loving Zionist
ANSWER: but are the Zionists trump-loving?
Of course they aren't. Please don't be that dense.
Backstabbing is what they do best.
Simply look into Zionist dealings with Hitler or JFK.
Hitler's gave them Israel.
JFK's gave them nuclear weapons.
What's next on the platter I wonder?
Hint: It involves Russia.
QUESTION: >Vault 7 refers to the FBI data vault containing information about the 7th floor group
Then why did Julian Assange show a picture of the actual Vault 7, which is a seed vault?
ANSWER: Because sometimes things are to be inferred instead of taken literally.
QUESTION: > like what's going to happen? Civil war?
> give us something concrete that happens on a specific day
ANSWER: If the plans of the shadow government come to fruition: World War with Russia.
It's being pushed very hard right now and they are trying to make Trump the Martyr.
If Clinton had won it would have been a smooth transition.
The initial plan was:
Escalation of civil disorder
Gradual disarmament of civilians
Displacement of existing civilian populations
Bogeyman Russian
Divorce of the US and it's government
Deployment of Continuity of Government under benevolent guile
Revocation of rights and freedoms for the "good of the nation"
QUESTION: >The initial plan was:
that seems a little far fetched
ANSWER: You're probably thinking too short term. This is maybe a one or two steps per generation thing, but it's been going on since Bill's first term.
Bill's reward: favorable economics during his servitude to the beast.
Trump really messed things up for them, big league.
QUESTION: 1) what did he mean by this? (Mr. McCullough testifying before Judiciary Committee)
2) what about depopulation, was that really part of the plan?
who put up the georgia guidestones?
ANSWER: 1) Nice catch. You're very clever.
2) ORCON mostly, plus see 1)
The world war is the depopulation program.
Look at how many people died in WWII.
Now with the technology we have today, the death toll would be immensely more.
QUESTION: >server room in a bomb/electromagnetic proof vault with zero outside access connections
How do they do hvac inside a sealed vault? The servers would overheat.
"They have outside connections to feed cool air to air conditioners and outside connections to remove hot air" - okay then it's not bomb/electromagnetic proof.
ANSWER: The room under it handles cooling. The server vault is in a mil base in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. It's underground.
Then again I don't recall saying it was air tight, but it does use positive pressure filtration I guess so it's semi air tight.
A lot of your are really over thinking this server room thing.
It's an archive room with a server in it. One server and a few terminals. All of the data is dead (unpowered) until a request is made to move it. This makes the information impossible to access. The only active system is one hard drive that is an indexer.
You use the index to find the blade. it's then retrieved and you access it.
QUESTION: Got any thoughts on the Federal Reserve and Trump?
ANSWER: Fed reserve has been laying low and saying nothing. They are part of the banking entities I mentioned in the OP.
Trump stumbled into this hornet's nest with good intentions and ambition to help people. He honestly loves the US with an intense passion.
I presume he's feeling pretty lonely as an outsider. Which is why he's been quieter than usual lately.
QUESTION: Is it, by any chance, the underground Cheyenne Mountain complex? aka NORAD?
QUESTION:     The question is: who is using the other 70% of floor space, and who is the other 95% of staff?
ANSWER: It's not quite like that.
It's CoG run amok though.
They operate within the open government because of all the compartmentalization.
The good guys do the shadow government dirty work without even realizing it.
They've gotten very sloppy because of trump and it's starting to come undone.
This is why everything seems to be escalating so rapidly. They're trying to rush to the finish line.
QUESTION: By finish line, you mean the next step of their plan--war with Russia?
ANSWER: Yes, that is the pivotal event. If that can happen so can the rest of the plan for conquest.
QUESTION: >The world war is the depopulation program.
You gave yourself away here.
Only retards think anyone wants a nuclear war.
Even though it is true that there is a significant faction of the establishment that wants depopulation, they don't want a nuclear wasteland to be the spoils.
The depopulation plan is much more sophisticated than this and the only reason it hasn't been carried out is because the tech isn't complete for it yet.
ANSWER: You jump to conclusions. World War does not mean nuclear war.
Also nuclear arsenals today are less destructive but far more immediately lethal than depicted by the media.
They are basically high altitude gamma ray bursts and nothing like the bombs dropped on japan. Those are considered primitive now.
QUESTION: Fake and gay. Even if we concede your attempt to walk back, you are still talking about the grid going down and therefore reactor meltdowns across the globe and a poisoned undesirable planet.
You are, at best, very compartmentalized.
ANSWER: >You are, at best, very compartmentalized.
True. I only see the tip of the iceberg.
Red Box Class III G. mil guys will know what that means.
QUESTION: >Anonymous (ID: qxwGMxKu) 02/15/17(Wed)19:26:02 No.112816884▶>>112817109
>The room under it handles cooling. The server vault is in a mil base in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. It's underground.
>Then again I don't recall saying it was air tight, but it does use positive pressure filtration I guess so it's semi air tight.
Could you give us the geocache on the location of the military base in Colorado and I'll check it out?
Secondly, how do you propose we fight back?
ANSWER: 38.73309130062022,-104.84680652574752
Fight the media with the truth. They are using techniques to break morale. In other words turn the red pill dial to 11.
QUESTION: It's going to be hard. They literally have infinite money, not to mention government sanctioned drug running, arms dealing, and human trafficking.
They're taking advantage of the same disenfranchisement that led to Trump's victory to promote violent protests.
Thank god lefty protests are weak as fuck, but I'm genuinely worried about the first days of right wing riots. You know Damn well its going to be brutal.
ANSWER: All Mil and most of DoJ(mostly FBI) is on Trumps side
CIA NSA are severely compromised due to the Bushes. CIA Especially because of Bush Sr.
NSA should simply be considered Domestic CIA
Clinton, tried to take hold of FBI through Obama but it was thwarted. Comey is out for her blood believe it or not.
QUESTION: You mean it's a meme war
ANSWER: /pol/'s anti-propaganda is strong.
Your intel is good.
You know stuff before most of us do.
People have been taking interest in you. Some good some bad.
It's a unique delivery method of information and it works. People are listening.
QUESTION: >Red Box Class III G. mil guys will know what that means.
I don't recognize this at all, at best it sounds like some kind of AIT-related weeb reference that only a specific MOS would understand, which really limits the number of people.
And considering my background, that means you weren't Army and if you were, this is a reference from Ft. Meade and not Ft. Huachuca sections of AIT.
ANSWER: It's a SAP class. I only expected you to understand red box. But you're a quick thinker. I like that.
QUESTION: Was Fbi anon legit? If so did that cause a stir?
ANSWER: FBI anon is legit. Yes that's present tense.
QUESTION: Are there /pol/acks on the inside?
ANSWER: A lot.
QUESTION: >server in mil base
>All Mil and most of DoJ(mostly FBI) is on Trumps side
is this an easy fix based on this alone?
ANSWER: Yes but see...
LINKED ANSWER FROM ABOVE: It's not quite like that.
It's CoG run amok though.
They operate within the open government because of all the compartmentalization.
The good guys do the shadow government dirty work without even realizing it.
They've gotten very sloppy because of trump and it's starting to come undone.
This is why everything seems to be escalating so rapidly. They're trying to rush to the finish line.
QUESTION: How does turkey play into this
the Coup
Turkey in Ukraine
Turanism and Soros?
Is Iran a distraction from Ukraine and Turkey?
Baha'i and Druze also?
and what about the sex traffickign in east europe and russia
ANSWER: Turkish Coup was Iranian in origin. Meant to fail. You did notice how cleanly it all happened? Right?
QUESTION: It is OBVIOUSLY completely made up bullshit.
Most of DoJ on Trump's side? Why not indict every political official operating a sanctuary city the day Sessions was confirmed?
Or today. Or tomorrow. Or next week.
Don't hold your breath.
Obvious LARP is obvious.
(The deeper point is that Trump was blustering about all this, you could say they are on the same side if you stop pretending Trump is on your side, but they are most definitely not on the side of the public Trump persona)
ANSWER: Check the news. 12D Chess. One step back two forward.
QUESTION: OP-do you know if/when Wikileaks will release Vault7 info? Or are they trying to push some coalition inside the U.S. to do it?
ANSWER: No idea. It's being scrubbed internally. I have no information about their operations nor they ours and that's how we stay on good terms.
QUESTION:     7 Supervisor Entities? Are these people, groups, or....
ANSWER: They are people. One is dead. They died about 1 year ago. Powerful but almost never heard of.
2 are silent as far as we can tell.
Here's a nugget of intel: Numbers stations are still used by these people.
QUESTION: want to elaborate on Soros and Ukraine?
ANSWER: I'm not privy on that one but
There was a large "exchange" relating to some natural resources in Crimea.
Putin said "Nope" because of the involved parties. Put a big damper on the pipeline plans.
Made many "investors" upset. Now they want to have a war.
QUESTION: Is Dave Flinstone in Hawaii in a NOC?
Can you shed any light on this? It's somewhat urgent... /
ANSWER: I'll tell you about Comet when it's over ;-)
QUESTION: We heard yesterday that Trump has JSOC locked down. True?
QUESTION: Former CIA officer explains the 7 factions within the Central Intelligence Agency
Published on Feb 10, 2017 [Embed]
01) White House CIA — the plumbers, domestic dirty tricks, still today
02) Wall Street CIA — direct support to major banks & corporations (now based in NYC)
03) Legal CIA Analytics — children supported by geriatric annuitants – 20% effective
04) Legal CIA — clandestine, communications, science & technology — 10% effective
05) Legal Special Operations CIA — 100% effective small stuff, 20% effective big stuff
06) Safari Club — 200 or so people focused on rendition, torture, secret prisons
07) Drone CIA — 2000 people committing crimes against humanity
Search: Seven CIAs [Steele on the Record]
ANSWER: You're welcome to whatever opinion you like
blood for favors.
QUESTION: This is LARP bullshit
The data on hard drives degrade over time , especially when powered down -> due to random electromagnetic noise you will get bits that flip over time and will corrupt data and make it useless -> you cannot simply 'store data dead until a request is made to move it' unless you store it on TAPE -> just ask google.
ANSWER: Microfiche, and that isn't stored here. I'm pretty sure it gets put in some warehouse similar to the on at the end of the Indiana Jones movie. I'm serious.
I think you are misunderstanding the purpose of this room. It's for active orders and intel. Not long term storage.
QUESTION: So what's the upshot of all this. You're telling us to redpill people and not giving us anything to go off of. The stuff we know everyone already knows but is too afraid to say. Give us something real.
ANSWER: Motivation to keep doing what you're doing.
It's working and it's helping. Sure there is a lot of banter, but that makes work productive.
Because of your diverse origins and semi anonymity, you've become this chaotic nexus of intel and truth.
Keep finding dirt on these people spreading it through your alternative media sources and we will follow leads. If there is enough credible evidence we'll nab them.
QUESTION: >JFK gave them nuclear weapons
More like JFK did everything he could to prevent them from getting nukes and then was killed for it.
If you're a spook you must not be the sharpest tack in the office.
ANSWER: Hitler died fighting them when they changed the agreement for a better offer
JFK was killed for attempting to stop them from developing nuclear weapons.
This is all basic information
QUESTION: >More like JFK did everything he could to prevent them from getting nukes and then was killed for it.
>JFK was killed for attempting to stop them from developing nuclear weapons.
We are saying the same things, you just worded your previous post autistically.
ANSWER: No I fully agree with you and that was my initial intention that you tried to call me out on. I was only affirming my stance since it appears I was not clear. I'm glad you did bring it up so that we could agree.
QUESTION: Pic related? /
Any chance of an intentional recession to make Trump look bad or strain American politics? It's definitely something the Fed and friends can do.
Good question. His company literally helps the spooks.
ANSWER: >Any chance of an intentional recession to make Trump look bad or strain American politics? It's definitely something the Fed and friends can do.
Yes there is a chance. But Hillary was a *sure thing* and pre-election investment momentum is barreling forward. They can't all pull out at the same time or it looks like a red flag. Watch investment trending. Find the bots that monitor trade volumes.