Exposing Alan Parsons and Broccolini

Alan Parsons:

Alan Parsons is a convicted pedophile. He was convicted of grooming school aged girls. 
At the time of him committing these crimes when he does not get his way, he proceeds to threaten his victims with leaking their IP, Images, Real Name and etc.
Alan Levi Thomas Parsons is his full name.
These screenshots are of his face, home, threatening, grooming.

As of 2023-2024 he has been activity grooming minors again.

Age: 28

Location: Clearwell Court, Bassaleg, Newport, South Wales

Offenses: Alan Parsons committed grooming offenses against six underage schoolgirls aged between 13 and 15. 
He pleaded guilty to seven charges, including attempting to meet a child following sexual grooming and six counts of attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity.  The abuse took place during the summer of 2018.

Defense Lawyer: Eugene Egan represented the defendant and requested an adjournment for a pre-sentence report.

Prosecutor: Nigel Fryer appeared for the prosecution.

Judge: Judge Daniel Williams presided over the case and set a sentence date of February 12, warning Parsons that he could be facing a prison sentence.

Subject has pleaded guilty to seven charges. Unclear why he was released from custody following these admissions.


Picture Of Home:

The following 2 groups of screenshots is screenshots of him threatening and grooming in 2023-2024

Proof of him threatening minors:

Proof Of Grooming:

The official article of Alan Parsons grooming minors in 2018 at the age of 23 years old:



Broccolini is a 16-year-old male who pretends to be 18-year women. She uses 2 images to pose as it being them. The following two images are the images that Broccolini uses.
Broccolini strongly supports Alan with his pedophilia.
Broccolini makes lies to make themselves feel better and tries to destroy other people's life and fails to do so. Broccolini is a mega racist.
Broccolini thinks they are better then everybody else.
Broccolini is a pedophile protector. 

Image 1:

Image 2:

Finale Notes:

Both individuals are dangerous and preying on kids. If run into them online report anything they send you to your local law enforcement. 
They both want to attack vulnerable minors. They are pro-pedophilia.