.         _  .          .          .    +     .          .          .      .
        .(_)          .            .            .            .       :
        .   .      .    .     .     .    .      .   .      . .  .  -+-        .
          .           .   .      1. Intro        .          /         :  .
    . .        .  .      /.   .  2. Excah .     .     .  / .      . ' .     .  .
        .  +       .    /     .  3. Other .          .   /      .
       .            .  /         4. Mirrors     .      +    *     .    .   .
           .        *   .        5. DB Entries   .  *   +   .  . -+-  . .     .
      .   .      .    *     .    6. Credits   .   .       .  .    *  .    .   .
          .           .           .           .           .         +  .  .
  . .        .  .       .   .      .    .     .     .    .      .   .
 .   +      .          ___/\_._/~~\_...__/\__.._._/~\        .         .   .
       .          _.--'                              `--./\          .   .
           /~~\/~\                                          `-/~\_            .
 .      .-'                                                        `-/\_
  _/\.-'                                                               __/~\/\-.__
.'                                                                                `.
╔   o   .   +     +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    .   .     +.   . .  *  .  ╗ 
│                                  1. Intro                                               │
╚  .  .    .   +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    +   .     +.   . .   .+   .  ╝ 

Jak "Excah" Melin is a manipulative loser with an ego the size of the moon who cant fathom the fact that he is a harmless poor moron
so he tries to convince himself and others that orbit him that he is rich & intimidates them while in actuality his only 
form of income is scamming people on internet forums and running a steam idle service which makes almost nothing.
This cancer cell has been around on the internet since 2012 but he was playing xbox and only started
roleplaying hacker in late 2013 early 2014 when he decided to make a hf account and pretend to be in the scene
because he got console banned. he also bought an rgh about a year or so later, pretty embarrassing if you ask me.
not only is he incapable of doing anything, but he gets simped by internet girls into buying them levels
and other highly valuable Steam inventory items. he is also now avoiding contact with us probably after realising
he cant do anything at all to any of us (despite trying.) when you end up figuring out the first initial of my first name hmu.

you can try your absolute hardest to act like this isnt your information but I'll let the multiple confirmations in this do the talking.



` : | | | |:  ||  :     `  :  |  |+|: | : : :|   .        `              .
      ` : | :|  ||  |:  :    `  |  | :| : | : |:   |  .                    :
         .' ':  ||  |:  |  '       ` || | : | |: : |   .  `           .   :.
                `'  ||  |  ' |   *    ` : | | :| |*|  :   :               :|
        *    *       `  |  : :  |  .      ` ' :| | :| . : :         *   :.||
             .`            | |  |  : .:|       ` | || | : |: |          | ||
      '          .         + `  |  :  .: .         '| | : :| :    .   |:| ||
         .                 .    ` *|  || :       `    | | :| | :      |:| |
 .                .          .        || |.: *          | || : :     :|||
        .            .   . *    .   .  ` |||.  +        + '| |||  .  ||`
     .             *              .     +:`|!             . ||||  :.||`
 +                      .                ..!|*          . | :`||+ |||`
     .                         +      : |||`        .| :| | | |.| ||`     .
       *     +   '               +  :|| |`     :.+. || || | |:`|| `
                            .      .||` .    ..|| | |: '` `| | |`  +
  .       +++                      ||        !|!: `       :| |
              +         .      .    | .      `|||.:      .||    .      .    `
          '                           `|.   .  `:|||   + ||'     `
  __    +      *                         `'       `'|.    `:
"'  `---"""----....____,..^---`^``----.,.___          `.    `.  .    ____,.,-
    ___,--'""`---"'   ^  ^ ^        ^       """'---,..___ __,..---""'
--"'                                 ^                         ``--..,__

╔   o   .   +     +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    .   .     +.   . .  *  .  ╗ 
│                                  2. Excah                                               │
╚  .  .    .   +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    +   .     +.   . .   .+   .  ╝
Name: Jak Melin
Aliases: Excah, Jak, Jarasu, triiqz
Age: 20
Addresses: 34 Springway Crescent Grimsby DN34 4BP. UK.
Previous - 61 Spring Bank, Grimsby DN34 4BL. UK.
Education: Grimsby Institute
- John Whitgift Academy, Previously
- Home schooled for some time, possibly using 'OneClass'
Phone: 073-xxx-xx661, ********71, ********51, 75388747512, 777-xxx-xx02*, 07399217266, 0776066784
Email/s: itsexcah@gmail.com
-   itsexcah@hotmail.co.uk <--- pw = jak1king, recovery = hepticjak@hotmail.co.uk
-   itzexcah@gmail.com <-- amazon - ebay
-   excah@excah.xyz
-   hepticjak@hotmail.co.uk <-- pw = jak1king, ph number = *******61 amazon
-   jarasu@excah.com - ebay - amazon
-   lol@excah.com
-   generation-xhelp@live.com - amazon
-   potatoboy991@live.co.uk
-   jakbamf@hotmail.com <--- can be recreated
-   Sythe@hotmail.co.uk <--- maybe
-   masterexcah@gmail.com - ebay
-   iicazual@hotmail.com - <--- pw = jak1king use sock5 from area 2 login w/out getting code
-   excahop@gmail.com <--- random email he used 4 random sites, doesnt exist, can be created
-   iamtriiqz@hotmail.com
-   Common passwords: 
-   jak1king
-   Jak1king
-   sprite
-   1234qwerty

I Sleep On A Valium I Dream About Nothing
Cash American Bag Italian

Picture of the catgirl irl: http://prntscr.com/nk1y25

-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/sexting
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah16
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah15
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah14
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah13
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah12
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah11
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah10
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah9
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah8
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah7
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah5
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah4
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah3
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah2
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/excah1
-   https://steamcommunity.com/id/ExcahM8/
-   https://ask.fm/Jarasuu
-   http://www.kik.me/sry
-   http://www.kik.me/skun.k
-   https://weheartit.com/Jak
-   https://weheartit.com/Excahlul - also tied https://weheartit.com/Excah
-   https://www.reddit.com/u/Jarasu
-   http://ogusers.com/excah (banned for scamming)
-   https://twitter.com/jarasu_
-   https://twitter.com/XBLExcah
-   https://soundcloud.com/xcah
-   https://www.sythe.org/members/jarasu.869912/ 
-   https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1365684363
-   https://www.facebook.com/hbjhkjhjhjkjkj - fake fb he made
-   https://hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=1743548 (banned for scamming)
-   https://www.instagram.com/jarasuu/
-   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSQvIsAE-P0B3Q1QIcTdhog
-   https://plays.tv/u/Excah
-   https://ennui.ninja/profile/355-excah/
-   https://excah.tumblr.com/
-   skype: itsexcah
-   runescape: jaksprat3

 .      .        +   .    o    +    .    .   . .     . 
     .       .     *.   . .     .  .  *   .  + . . . .
  .       *                   o     . . . .  .   .  + .
      .   .  +  o    . +   .     .     * . _ + . . *
  .       *                  /     . . . .  .   .  + .
     . *    "You Are Here"    . . *    .   .  +  . . .
..    + . .       |       /      .  .   .    .    . .
                  |    .     *       .     .     . +.    
 .   * + _       \|/    .   . + /   .       .   . .
        . .       V          .    * . . .  .  +   . .
.   *     +       _    .      .   .      + _ . + + .
                 (_)          .       . +  .+. . . * 
  .  * / + . .     .     . + .  . .     .  .    . + .
.          .      .....ON PLANET DOXED..   . .   . . .        
     *     . o    AHahHAHahHAhahHA.  . +   - O -  . +
* . + .    .    .    .  +   . .  *  .   .   . / | - .
               . + .  .  .  .. +  . . _ + . . * . o .
.   /   .  .  .  *   .  *  . +..  .            *  . * 
 .      .   . .   .   .   . .  +   .    .   .  +  . +     

╔   o   .   +     +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    .   .     +.   . .  *  .  ╗ 
│                                  3. Other                                               │
╚  .  .    .   +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    +   .     +.   . .   .+   .  ╝
http://prntscr.com/nk2ykr some random fb he made so he could message his xbox friends in 2012-2013 (he also messaged his ex, cake on there. you can download the entire facebook data zip here:

in this blog post http://neetparent.blogspot.com/2015/06/neet-truancy-and-law.html
this part exactly
'Rachel Hambling, 35, of Spring Bank, Grimsby, admitted failing to send Jak Melin to school regularly enough between January 28 and May 24.
Jak, 15, failed to attend John Whitgift Academy on 54 occasions out of 132 – an attendance rate of only 59 per cent.
Hambling, previously known as Rachael Melin, claimed in a letter that she had done everything she could to get her son to school after he refused to go there. She had been in "constant contact" with the academy and had always fully co-operated.
Her son had since been removed from the academy and was being "home-schooled" until he could go to college. Mother-of-two Hambling was fined £145 and was ordered to pay £75 costs and a £20 victims' surcharge.'

you can see he failed school and had to home school until he could go to university
which you can also see below
http://prntscr.com/nh2e4t - his tweet about his university 5 mins away from where he lives - further confirming he lives in grimsby

we took one of his emails and went through stuff on them, until we came across his 'just eat' account. we reset the password and go to account settings
and as you can see here http://prntscr.com/nk3bip it has his address and number + name  - http://prntscr.com/nk3cgp

he pretends that his name isnt jak (http://prntscr.com/nk3fx1) but as you can see here http://prntscr.com/nk3dk8 from the email i just mentioned he has emails regarding that name in 2012. he wasnt upkeeping his opsec in 2012, he was playing xbox (see here http://prntscr.com/nk3csz, http://prntscr.com/nk3d66)
this is further reinforced MANY times in the email but here are some examples - http://prntscr.com/nk3dws, http://prntscr.com/nk3e3v (he added himself on the fake fb he made) http://prntscr.com/nk3e8y (funniest of them all in my opinion)

he added me on steam and tried to threaten me with the name 'blake huber' not realising this is in fact air's name and air is publicly doxed and has never cared about it. he has retards spoonfeeding him false info
and cant get the first initial of my first name while trying stupidly hard and even embarrassing himself in my steam dms as you can see here - http://prntscr.com/nk3f2t, http://prntscr.com/nk3ggr

other funny misc screenshots - http://prntscr.com/nk3gyc, http://prntscr.com/nlcv2c, http://prntscr.com/nk7ykt, http://prntscr.com/nk86hd, http://prntscr.com/nk86o0 - him thinking he has laines mothers name - http://prntscr.com/nk3l8m

he faked a plane ticket to see his ex gf kay cuz hes weird as fuck - https://i.imgur.com/bSeqRf5.png

funny post on steam discussion i doubt its ironic - https://steamcommunity.com/app/578080/discussions/1/1500126447405099189/

him thinking he has my info: http://prntscr.com/nk42t9, http://prntscr.com/nk43gm, http://prntscr.com/nk43of

his old friend telling us the weird shit he does - http://prntscr.com/nk8844, http://prntscr.com/nk88he

further reinforcing he lives in grimsby: http://prntscr.com/nk80q6

him pretending he makes a fair amount of money from his steam idle service when in fact he wouldnt come on call and screenshare it - https://excah.com/v/WastefulSnowmonkey.mp4

him pretending he knows sav/clerk. sav gets asked about it and he denies even knowing excah exists -
http://prntscr.com/nk8694, http://prntscr.com/nk87nw, http://prntscr.com/nk892l, http://prntscr.com/nk896e, 
- sav admitting he doesnt know excah http://prntscr.com/nk89fo

he posts here every few days - http://prntscr.com/nklula


funny hf stuff - http://prntscr.com/nknjn9, http://prntscr.com/nknlzh

pay up btw - http://prntscr.com/nk88x3

-   https://www.facebook.com/connor.melin.1
-   https://www.facebook.com/janet.melin.5
-   https://www.facebook.com/lewis.melin
-   https://www.facebook.com/rowland.melin
-   https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009213173030
-   https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009172734629
-   https://www.facebook.com/leah.melin.1
-   https://www.facebook.com/ebonynsavannah.melin
-   https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009172734629
-   https://www.facebook.com/jade.melin
-   https://www.facebook.com/karen.melin.50
-   https://www.facebook.com/lynn.melin.5
-   https://www.facebook.com/pauline.melin.7
-   https://www.facebook.com/shaun.melin
-   https://www.facebook.com/tony.melin.71
-   https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008692815042
-   https://www.facebook.com/hazel.melin
-   https://www.facebook.com/terry.melin.3
-   https://www.facebook.com/Mezza47910
-   https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004224768502
-   https://www.facebook.com/mary.melin.3
-   https://www.facebook.com/melmelon123
-   https://www.facebook.com/donna.melin.12
-   https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008614683263
-   https://www.facebook.com/brooke.melin.1

╔   o   .   +     +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    .   .     +.   . .  *  .  ╗ 
│                                  4. Mirrors                                             │
╚  .  .    .   +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    +   .     +.   . .   .+   .  ╝ 
                 *       +
           '                  |
       ()    .-.,="``"=.    - o -
             '=/_       \     |
          *   |  '=._    |
               \     `=./`,        '
            .   '=.__.=' `='      *
   +                         +
        O      *        '       .

╔   o   .   +     +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    .   .     +.   . .  *  .  ╗ 
│                                  5. DB Entries                                          │
╚  .  .    .   +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    +   .     +.   . .   .+   .  ╝ 
db: botoflegends
~uname: excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: c2617e50a82016ecb4b3d7a5f03f4627
~pw: jak1king

db: dt
~uname: excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: 60b290f46467425ed91a48891faa321be3f05c207c5609ac1
~pw: jak1king

db: bitly
~uname: excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: 94deda0757421ec9330fc2c9f54780df
~pw: jak1king

db: quantumbooter
~uname: excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: 60b290f46467425ed91a48891faa321be3f05c207c5609ac1
~pw: jak1king

No Life Left Eat The Night No Stars Out

db: scape
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~pw: sprite

db: gamerzplanet
~uname: Excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~salt: b6f51c0656da9f453ddc5f43b7578d74
~salt: sw86A_miB"\rzx"nFuXl7`-qtz|N%#

db: siriusforum
~uname: Excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: 0f011a321aa61fd9d6105e2b6bc37182
~pw: sprite

db: xsplit
~uname: TizenxBadKid
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: 8751b47ee1ea09789711f3ab50c6b8ee40e5ddb3
~name: Im Excah
~pw: jak1king

db: legion.cm
~uname: excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: $2a$08$RvCkKbir6l5lyi1wMza4YuuF1FBF1A5uGIJmvBYOiYNrsUYuxBWma
~pw: jak1king

Excah itzexcah@gmail.com

Coupon Mom / Armor Games

generation-xhelp@live.com,dedaa988cedafa4fbc6125f27a737d0b,gamigo.do,2012-07-06 20:43

(2725164,'Jak','Melin',NULL,'generation-xhelp@live.com','fd2a6d1708f358478e5d163166ed0d15','0000-00-00','2011-04-24',2684188,0,0,830229,0.00,0,'gb',20,'check',0,0,'',0,'61 Spring Bank','','Grimsby','Grimsby','Dn344bl',0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0),




1813485        Excah        itsexcah@hotmail.co.uk        a74f59149c39157f6c79cee02a81f4c5:|]xO$GO}3^z~B^-TVzSr5G6G{_o_5@

           .       .                   .       .      .     .      .
          .    .         .    .            .     ______
      .           .             .               ////////
                .    .   ________   .  .      /////////     .    .
           .            |.____.  /\        ./////////    .
    .                 .//      \/  |\     /////////
       .       .    .//          \ |  \ /////////       .     .   .
                    ||.    .    .| |  ///////// .     .
     .    .         ||           | |//`,/////                .
             .       \\        ./ //  /  \/   .
  .                    \\.___./ //\` '   ,_\     .     .
          .           .     \ //////\ , /   \                 .    .
                       .    ///////// \|  '  |    .
      .        .          ///////// .   \ _ /          .
                        /////////                              .
                 .   ./////////     .     .
         .           --------   .                  ..             .
  .      will we find intelligent life with this satellite?
         not on this page we wont.         .        .       
____________------------                        -------------_________
db: eco.os-scape
~uname: Excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: $2a$13$zFu7bhH3zv1pzFXirnnNNe.AP/ALvN0NnawMsKBF7PijKKpSUhhYW

db: realityforum
~uname: Excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: 0f011a321aa61fd9d6105e2b6bc37182
~pw: sprite

db: blackhatworld
~uname: Excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: 5d1c1bf71ddc62882b1f8ed7bfbdd6

db: scape
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~pw: lol

db: 000webhost
~username: Excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~pw: jak1king

db: hexui
~uname: Excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: 0d741ed86a716e6c9dfa03bb53317b3e
~pw: sprite

db: interwebz
~uname: Excah
~email: itzexcah@gmail.com
~hash: d87b5b586944ef2776d803d1fea6208b
~pw: sprite

╔   o   .   +     +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    .   .     +.   . .  *  .  ╗ 
│                                  6. Credits                                             │
╚  .  .    .   +   .    o    +    .    .   * .  .  +    .    +   .     +.   . .   .+   .  ╝
wizard / https://steamcommunity.com/id/jake
shanty / https://steamcommunity.com/id/shxnty
special shoutz 2 laine and ripper 4 gettin their (public) nameZ dropped by this ULTRA loser......
s/o x_x

the ONLY thing U CaN 'find' on me... Are MountaiNz of evidence of undoxability

~CaSe CLoZeD~