Real name Roselyn Age 20 Sister Emilia Discord username is _fuck_off_bitch_ Sent her nudes to Jarid Brumer in Kalamazoo Michigan age 17 who is her E kid and Also Freinds with benefit Her Instagram user:sleepyrosa3_ Her other social media links: She is supported by his ex gf age 19 Skylar ocieanna in Winter springs Florida who also sent her nudes to him and doxxed information of a woman against without their consent to have it and used her nudes(revenge pornography felony) and had her personal information posted onto the site only to harass her on calls by Name: Lozovenko Nikita Viktorovich PHONE NUMBER: +79015638201 DATE OF BIRTH: 13/12/2008 (15 years old) COUNTRY: Russia CITY: Moscow ADDRESS: Moscow, 2nd Mayskaya street Another supporter of her and what she does and partakes in her doxxing activities is a white male who says racial slurs by the name of Sarcha his Instagram is sarcha_mercer_ who faked having a split personaliy to gain other people's attention and sympathy Who also participates in these events is Zavior or Zay on Instagram also known as shadowing or Ghost on discord who lives in California Also a person who supports her acts is also their user name on discord is blewn Another person by the name of demonicangel her online dad and protector that covers for hanas acts aka an accomplice as well as her girlfriend her gfs Instagram is notdeadyet514 who was also dating the same minor before he broke up with them as Roselyn