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|   ____|\   \  /  \  /   /     /   \     |  \ |  |    |  |  |  |     /   \     \   \  /   / |  \ |  | |   ____|    /       |
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 | |__| | | |__| |  / . \   / . \  | |____  | |__| |
 |_____/   \____/  /_/ \_\ /_/ \_\ |______| |_____/ 

[ Reason ]
Caught watching Child Pornography on a VPS (Virtual private server), disgusting person, dates traps/transvestites, woman abuser (hit and punched his own mother black and blue[recorded through Discord], punches his girlfriend, forces her to have sex and controls who she can and can't talk to you.
He also forces her to spend her own money on stuff he wants and if she doesn't he hurts her. Ewan tends to target her with personal disgusting family matters that have happened in her past. (all recorded proof is saved). Ewan Haynes is also known for his Discord server 'Arcadia', this is a community Discord.
He tends to be really close friends with 13 and 14 year olds which is creepy.


[ General ] 
Screen names: Da532, Devvy, ItsDevvy, Devon, Ewan Haynes
Real Name: Ewan Haynes
Date of birth: 06/02/2001 [unless I am slightly mistaken]
House Address: 4 Lydstep Rd, Barry, CF62 9EB
Work: Not working (sponging off mother and girlfriend)
Education: Cardiff & Vale College (possibly left this college) 
Ewan Haynes Phone Number: 07982 101512


[ Social Media ]
YouTube: Da532 / Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/iewan64
Twitch: ItsDevvyy / Link: https://www.twitch.tv/itsdevvyy
Discord current standing: https://discord.gg/kqqZPVe
Twitter current standing: https://twitter.com/devvyxd | @Devvyxd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/devvyxd


[ People ]
Mother: Karen Haynes | Mothers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karen.haynes.528 | Mothers Address: 4 Lydstep Rd, Barry, CF62 9EB
Dad: Ran away
Girlfriend/Partner: Alicia Moore // Phone Number: 07427 277601 // Alicia Moore Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011772232782

- There's no reason to include anyone other people in this so we won't.

For your information: We didn't want to involve any family members in this, they have done nothing wrong a part from give birth to an absolute paedophile.