******Evstratova Diana Alekseevna!******
no one is protected on the Internet, no one is anonymous


doxxed her cus she is my bestie,
love her so muchhhh    <-----
name: Diana 
surname: Evstratova
birthday: 2007/02
address: Saint Petersburg
2nd Nikitinskaya street
phone number:+79602805777 
city: Saint Petersburg
country: Russian Federation
telegram id: 1446810074
telegram username: @diankabroy
school: gymnasium 116
school address: Novosibirskaya st., 16 building 2, St. Petersburg, 197342
class number: 8
class letter: "Б"
role: student
age: 15 y.o. :)
vk id:615248079 
vk profile: https://vk.com/diackinc
vk friends: 118
yandeks id: 1486558475
user-agent: ios(5.29.0)

-------her mommy-------
name: Verona 
surname: Evstratova 
vk id: 916307
vk profile link: https://vk.com/id916307
address: the same
city: the same 
cjuntry: the same 
Email: vichok@mail.ru
the place of study: SPBSU (Saint Petersburg state university) (2000 year)
vk display name: Veronikus Veronikus 
vk subscribers: 49
vk friends: 249

-------her daddy-------
name: Aleksey Evstratov 
vk friends: 5
vk sudscribers: 3 
address: the same
country: the same 
city: the same 
vk id: 308089499
vk profile link: https://vk.com/id308089499
the place of study: gymnasium 56

------her boyfriend-------
name: Vladimir
surname: Smirnov
vk id: 616186930
vk profile link: https://vk.com/smirnovka007
school: (valid) middle School of General education (LMFAO HAHAHA, DUDE, YOU WANT TO BECOME A WELDER?) 151
school address: Khasanskaya st., 14 building 2, St. Petersburg, 195426
birthday: 2007/07/05
phone number: +79627256766
telegram id:5744365596
telegram username: @cactusbroy
photo link:  https://ibb.co/2hzNNY7
