Hello everyone I hope you will help us investigate the group known as Evil Core. This group is a vile and disgusting group hell bent on making people's lives awful. They do not know us but they soon will.... We are RedSquad a newly formed collective solely made to destroy Evil Core. This is a message to them and Doxbin, Doxbin will see some truly great FIREWORKS! We are going to end these dirt bags scum in front of your cute eyes. We Dare anyone of them to stop us as if they can anyway. This is just a teaser for what's to come ,-.----. Great for smashing our rivals now its time to end you \ / \ ,---, ,----. ,---, ; : \ ,---.'| / / \-. ,--, ,---.'| | | .\ : | | : .--.--. | : :| ,'_ /| | | : . : |: | ,---. | | | / / '| | .\ . .--. | | : ,--.--. | | | | | \ : / \ ,--.__| | | : /`./. ; |: |,'_ /| : . | / \ ,--.__| | | : . / / / | / ,' | | : ;_ ' . \ || ' | | . . .--. .-. | / ,' | ; | | \ . ' / |. ' / | \ \ `.\ `. || | ' | | | \__\/: . .. ' / | | | ;\ \' ; /|' ; |: | `----. \`--'""| |: | : ; ; | ," .--.; |' ; |: | : ' | \.'' | / || | '/ ' / /`--' / | | |' : `--' \ / / ,. || | '/ ' : : :-' | : || : :| '--'. / | | :: , .-./; : .' \ : :| | |.' \ \ / \ \ / `--'---' `---'.| `--`----' | , .-./\ \ / `---' `----' `----' `---` `--`---' `----' ZeroCode X Kitten X Demonic4 Reasoning: They have made people cut themselves and ruined people's lives for no reasons except having fun. They have been behind countless attacks of innocent people's websites and livelihoods. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|Main Targets|<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1.0xdead (Leader of them all and truly the worst) 2.RedRazor(Incel) 3.Insight (Vile person/sociopath) 4.The Ghost(Follower) 5.Jnx (Skid) TRXSH#1337 6.Bread (Wannabe) 7.MyRoWARE (Bad Opsec) MyRoWARE#0001 (Your website is mine bitch) 1/1/22 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|Main Targets|<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Dox RedRazor: RedRazor#8022 Real Name: Edward Bearing Age: 23 Country: United States State: Washington Phone:n/a Groomer and makes girls cut themselves. Script kiddie that cannot do anything. We've reported him to the feds he should be going away anytime now. Another member exposed they can no longer deny our skills. Dox JNX Real Name: Jess Prescott Age: 15 Country: Finland Just some loser that wants to be apart of the group of incels.