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Reason for dox: Pedophile, convicted sex offender, sexual misconduct with a minor, fourth degree sexual conduct with a minor, two first degree and second degree counts of criminal sexual conduct.
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[-] Personal Info

- First Name: Eugene 
- Middle Name: Otto
- Last Name: Zumhofe
- Born: March 21, 1951
- Height: 5 ft 11 in (1.80 m)
- Weight: 220 lb (100 kg)
- Birth Place: 21 March 1951, Ham Lake, USA
- Phone Number: 320-795-2969

[-] Residence
Currently being kept in, Minnesota Correctional Facility in Rush City, Minnesota

[-] Court Cases

Zumhofe was jailed in July 1986 when he was found guilty of sexual misconduct involving a minor.
hofe also served 36 months in prison after being convicted of fourth degree sexual conduct with a minor on
January 23, 1989.
Zumhofe was again arrested on May 27, 2013, and charged with twelve felony counts of criminal sexual misconduct for sexually abusing his daughter between
June 1999 and June 2011, beginning when she was 15 years old.He was convicted on all twelve counts on March 5, 2014.
Following the verdict, Zumhofe attempted to flee from the court house, but was quickly tackled by court officers and charged with "escape from custody".
On May 6, 2014, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison on two first-degree and two third-degree counts of criminal sexual conduct.
he judge ordered the sentences on the four counts to be served consecutively. His escape from custody charges were eventually sentenced to run concurrently with his 2014 criminal sexual conduct sentence.

Phobia W, don't groom children.
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