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Discord / Insert Discord ID here: Ethann#0001 / 287022539514052608 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ethan_idek/ __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ House Information Type: Single Family Residence Year built: 1982 year bilt 1982 Interior details Bedrooms and bathrooms Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 Full bathrooms: 1 3/4 bathrooms: 1 1/2 bathrooms: 1 Bedroom1 Level: Upper Area: 182 Length: 14 Width: 13 Bedroom2 Level: Upper Area: 120 Length: 12 Width: 10 Bedroom3 Level: Upper Area: 120 Length: 12 Width: 10 Bathroom Description: Main Floor 1/2 Bath,Upper Level Full Bath,3/4 Master,Walk-In Shower Stall,Basement,Rough In DiningRoom Description: Separate/Formal Dining Room,Eat In Kitchen,Kitchen/Dining Room,Living/Dining Room Level: Main Area: 132 Length: 12 Width: 11 FamilyRoom Features: Main Level Level: Main Area: 336 Length: 24 Width: 14 Kitchen Level: Main Area: 156 Length: 13 Width: 12 LivingRoom Level: Main Area: 187 Length: 17 Width: 11 Basement Basement: Sump Pump,Daylight/Lookout Windows,Block,Unfinished Flooring Flooring: Tile Heating Heating features: Forced Air, Fireplace(s) Cooling Cooling features: Central Air Appliances Appliances included: Range, Microwave, Exhaust Fan, Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Freezer, Washer, Dryer, Disposal, Humidifier Laundry features: Washer/Dryer Hookup Interior Features Window features: Kitchen Window Interior features: Natural Woodwork, Ceiling Fan(s), Walk-In Closet(s), Master Bedroom Walk-In Closet Other interior features Total structure area: 2,980 Total interior livable area: 1,900 sqft Finished area above ground: 1,900 Finished area below ground: 0 Total number of fireplaces: 1 Fireplace features: Family Room, Wood Burning Property details Parking Total spaces: 2 Parking features: Attached, Asphalt, Garage Door Opener Garage spaces: 2 Covered spaces: 2 Has uncovered spaces: Yes Attached garage: Yes Other parking information: Garage Dimensions(20x24), Garage Square Feet(480), Garage Door Height(7) Accessibility Accessibility features: None Property Levels: Two Pool features: None Patio and porch details: Deck, Porch Fencing: Wood,Full Residential vegetation: Wooded Lot Lot size: 0.27 Acres Lot size dimensions: 153x91x123x84 Lot features: Wooded, Public Transit (W/in 6 Blks) Other property information Parcel number: 1702724320039 Lease amount: $0 Zoning description: Residential-Single Family - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Public tax history Year Property Taxes Tax Assessment 2020 $4,099 $328,600(+1.5%) 2019 $4,099(-1.3%) $323,900(+1.2%) 2018 $4,152(+6.7%) $320,000(+12.8%) 2017 $3,891(+4.3%) $283,700(+3.9%) 2016 $3,731(-1.1%) $273,000(+7.6%) 2015 $3,773(+4.3%) $253,800(+6.1%) 2014 $3,618(-0.7%) $239,100(-3.7%) 2013 $3,645(+0.7%) $248,300(-4.9%) 2012 $3,621(+0.7%) $261,200(-3%) 2011 $3,595(+6.5%) $269,200(-1.6%) 2010 $3,374(-1.8%) $273,600(-8.4%) 2009 $3,437(+8.2%) $298,800(+4%) 2006 $3,176(+2.3%) $287,400(+5.5%) 2005 $3,103(+8.7%) $272,300(+12.9%) 2004 $2,854(+14.9%) $241,100(+12%) 2002 $2,484(-37.5%) $215,300 2001 $3,975 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9857 Beard Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55431 House Beard Ave S is a quiet neighborhood with beautiful matured trees. This neighborhood is within a mile of nature preserve, shopping, junior & senior high schools, Normandale community college and a… zillow.com Facts and features Year built: 1982Lot: 11,761 sq feetType: Single Family ResidentialHeating: Forced airCooling: CentralParking: Attached garage Interior features Appliances: Washer, Microwave, Refrigerator, Dryer, Freezer Basement: Unfinished Flooring: Tile Building details Floors: 1 Roof: Asphalt Utility: City Sewer/Connected Tax: Annual taxes $3,621, Tax year: 2012 __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Girlfriends Information Full Name: Jada wells Age: 15 Height: 5,2 Weight: 120 Race: BLACK | SO COPS WANNA SHOOT HER MORE Address: 4807 Tall Tree Ln Hazelwood, MO 63042 Picture: Picture 2: __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Girlfriends House Information 4807 Tall Tree, Hazelwood, MO 63042 House 4807 Tall Tree Ln, Hazelwood, MO is a single family home that contains 1,298 sq ft and was built in 1965. It contains 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. This home last sold for $105,000 in July 2015. The… zillow.com Facts and features Year built: 1967Lot: 10,559 sq feetType: Single FamilyHeating: Forced airCooling: Central Interior features Appliances: Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Range / Oven Basement: Finished Building details Floors: 1 Tax: Annual taxes $1,520, Tax year: 2013 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4807 Tall Tree, Hazelwood, MO 63042 Last sold Jul 2015 Beds 4 Baths 2 Sq ft 1,298 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This address has 3 current residents. Theresa Boland Age 60s Charles Wells Age 40s Kionna Wells Age 30s [3:05 PM] HOME VALUE $112 K YEAR BUILT 1967 LIVING AREA 816 Sqft LOT SIZE 10,559 Sqft BEDROOMS 4 BATHROOMS 2 HOME TYPE Single Family House COUNTY St. Louis HEATING Forced Air COOLING Central STORIES 1 STRUCTURE Split Entre - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Year Property Taxes Tax Assessment 2020 $1,773(-3.1%) $18,370 2019 $1,830 $18,370(+3%) 2018 $1,830 $17,840 2017 $1,830(+0.7%) $17,840(+16.8%) 2016 $1,818(+15.8%) $15,270 2015 $1,570 $15,270(-0.9%) 2014 $1,570(+2.7%) $15,410 2013 $1,528 $15,410(+1.8%) 2012 -- $15,140 2011 -- $15,140(-4.1%) 2010 $1,496(+3.1%) $15,790 2009 $1,450(-4.6%) $15,790(-14.9%) 2008 $1,520(+9.4%) $18,550(-9.3%) 2007 $1,389 $20,450(+26.3%) 2006 $1,389(+3%) $16,190 2005 $1,349(+38.5%) $16,190(+24.1%) 2003 $974(+4.1%) $13,050(+1.8%) 2002 $936(+7.6%) $12,820 2001 $870 $12,820 __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Girlfriends Mother's Information Full Name: Kionna H Wells Age: 30's Height: 5,4 Weight: 141 Race: Black | Cops Please shoot Address: 4807 Tall Tree Ln Hazelwood, MO 63042 Picture: N/A Picture 2: N/A __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jada Wells Mother's Socials / Numbers Phone Number: (480) 668-1350 Landline: (314) 272-7381 __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jada Wells Mother's House INFO 4807 Tall Tree, Hazelwood, MO 63042 House 4807 Tall Tree Ln, Hazelwood, MO is a single family home that contains 1,298 sq ft and was built in 1965. It contains 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. This home last sold for $105,000 in July 2015. The… zillow.com Facts and features Year built: 1967Lot: 10,559 sq feetType: Single FamilyHeating: Forced airCooling: Central Interior features Appliances: Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Range / Oven Basement: Finished Building details Floors: 1 Tax: Annual taxes $1,520, Tax year: 2013 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4807 Tall Tree, Hazelwood, MO 63042 Last sold Jul 2015 Beds 4 Baths 2 Sq ft 1,298 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This address has 3 current residents. Theresa Boland Age 60s Charles Wells Age 40s Kionna Wells Age 30s [3:05 PM] HOME VALUE $112 K YEAR BUILT 1967 LIVING AREA 816 Sqft LOT SIZE 10,559 Sqft BEDROOMS 4 BATHROOMS 2 HOME TYPE Single Family House COUNTY St. Louis HEATING Forced Air COOLING Central STORIES 1 STRUCTURE Split Entre - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Year Property Taxes Tax Assessment 2020 $1,773(-3.1%) $18,370 2019 $1,830 $18,370(+3%) 2018 $1,830 $17,840 2017 $1,830(+0.7%) $17,840(+16.8%) 2016 $1,818(+15.8%) $15,270 2015 $1,570 $15,270(-0.9%) 2014 $1,570(+2.7%) $15,410 2013 $1,528 $15,410(+1.8%) 2012 -- $15,140 2011 -- $15,140(-4.1%) 2010 $1,496(+3.1%) $15,790 2009 $1,450(-4.6%) $15,790(-14.9%) 2008 $1,520(+9.4%) $18,550(-9.3%) 2007 $1,389 $20,450(+26.3%) 2006 $1,389(+3%) $16,190 2005 $1,349(+38.5%) $16,190(+24.1%) 2003 $974(+4.1%) $13,050(+1.8%) 2002 $936(+7.6%) $12,820 2001 $870 $12,820 __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jada Wells Father's Information Full Name: Charles Wells Age: 40's Height: 5,11 Weight: 171 Race: Black | Cops Please shoot Address: 4807 Tall Tree Ln Hazelwood, MO 63042 Picture: N/A Picture 2: N/A __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jada wells Father's Contacts Phone Number: (314) 389-8205 Landline: (314) 389-8205 __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jada Wells Father's House INFO 4807 Tall Tree, Hazelwood, MO 63042 House 4807 Tall Tree Ln, Hazelwood, MO is a single family home that contains 1,298 sq ft and was built in 1965. It contains 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. This home last sold for $105,000 in July 2015. The… zillow.com Facts and features Year built: 1967Lot: 10,559 sq feetType: Single FamilyHeating: Forced airCooling: Central Interior features Appliances: Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Range / Oven Basement: Finished Building details Floors: 1 Tax: Annual taxes $1,520, Tax year: 2013 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4807 Tall Tree, Hazelwood, MO 63042 Last sold Jul 2015 Beds 4 Baths 2 Sq ft 1,298 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This address has 3 current residents. Theresa Boland Age 60s Charles Wells Age 40s Kionna Wells Age 30s HOME VALUE $112 K YEAR BUILT 1967 LIVING AREA 816 Sqft LOT SIZE 10,559 Sqft BEDROOMS 4 BATHROOMS 2 HOME TYPE Single Family House COUNTY St. Louis HEATING Forced Air COOLING Central STORIES 1 STRUCTURE Split Entre - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Year Property Taxes Tax Assessment 2020 $1,773(-3.1%) $18,370 2019 $1,830 $18,370(+3%) 2018 $1,830 $17,840 2017 $1,830(+0.7%) $17,840(+16.8%) 2016 $1,818(+15.8%) $15,270 2015 $1,570 $15,270(-0.9%) 2014 $1,570(+2.7%) $15,410 2013 $1,528 $15,410(+1.8%) 2012 -- $15,140 2011 -- $15,140(-4.1%) 2010 $1,496(+3.1%) $15,790 2009 $1,450(-4.6%) $15,790(-14.9%) 2008 $1,520(+9.4%) $18,550(-9.3%) 2007 $1,389 $20,450(+26.3%) 2006 $1,389(+3%) $16,190 2005 $1,349(+38.5%) $16,190(+24.1%) 2003 $974(+4.1%) $13,050(+1.8%) 2002 $936(+7.6%) $12,820 2001 $870 $12,820 __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ethan Greenfields Mother's Info Full Name: Elizabeth Greenfield Age: 45 [ November 1975 ] Height: 5,4 Weight: 134 Race: White Address: 9857 Beard Avenue S Bloomington, MN 55431 __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ethan Greenfields Mother's house Info Type: Single Family Residence Year built: 1982 year bilt 1982 Interior details Bedrooms and bathrooms Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 Full bathrooms: 1 3/4 bathrooms: 1 1/2 bathrooms: 1 Bedroom1 Level: Upper Area: 182 Length: 14 Width: 13 Bedroom2 Level: Upper Area: 120 Length: 12 Width: 10 Bedroom3 Level: Upper Area: 120 Length: 12 Width: 10 Bathroom Description: Main Floor 1/2 Bath,Upper Level Full Bath,3/4 Master,Walk-In Shower Stall,Basement,Rough In DiningRoom Description: Separate/Formal Dining Room,Eat In Kitchen,Kitchen/Dining Room,Living/Dining Room Level: Main Area: 132 Length: 12 Width: 11 FamilyRoom Features: Main Level Level: Main Area: 336 Length: 24 Width: 14 Kitchen Level: Main Area: 156 Length: 13 Width: 12 LivingRoom Level: Main Area: 187 Length: 17 Width: 11 Basement Basement: Sump Pump,Daylight/Lookout Windows,Block,Unfinished Flooring Flooring: Tile Heating Heating features: Forced Air, Fireplace(s) Cooling Cooling features: Central Air Appliances Appliances included: Range, Microwave, Exhaust Fan, Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Freezer, Washer, Dryer, Disposal, Humidifier Laundry features: Washer/Dryer Hookup Interior Features Window features: Kitchen Window Interior features: Natural Woodwork, Ceiling Fan(s), Walk-In Closet(s), Master Bedroom Walk-In Closet Other interior features Total structure area: 2,980 Total interior livable area: 1,900 sqft Finished area above ground: 1,900 Finished area below ground: 0 Total number of fireplaces: 1 Fireplace features: Family Room, Wood Burning Property details Parking Total spaces: 2 Parking features: Attached, Asphalt, Garage Door Opener Garage spaces: 2 Covered spaces: 2 Has uncovered spaces: Yes Attached garage: Yes Other parking information: Garage Dimensions(20x24), Garage Square Feet(480), Garage Door Height(7) Accessibility Accessibility features: None Property Levels: Two Pool features: None Patio and porch details: Deck, Porch Fencing: Wood,Full Residential vegetation: Wooded Lot Lot size: 0.27 Acres Lot size dimensions: 153x91x123x84 Lot features: Wooded, Public Transit (W/in 6 Blks) Other property information Parcel number: 1702724320039 Lease amount: $0 Zoning description: Residential-Single Family - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Public tax history Year Property Taxes Tax Assessment 2020 $4,099 $328,600(+1.5%) 2019 $4,099(-1.3%) $323,900(+1.2%) 2018 $4,152(+6.7%) $320,000(+12.8%) 2017 $3,891(+4.3%) $283,700(+3.9%) 2016 $3,731(-1.1%) $273,000(+7.6%) 2015 $3,773(+4.3%) $253,800(+6.1%) 2014 $3,618(-0.7%) $239,100(-3.7%) 2013 $3,645(+0.7%) $248,300(-4.9%) 2012 $3,621(+0.7%) $261,200(-3%) 2011 $3,595(+6.5%) $269,200(-1.6%) 2010 $3,374(-1.8%) $273,600(-8.4%) 2009 $3,437(+8.2%) $298,800(+4%) 2006 $3,176(+2.3%) $287,400(+5.5%) 2005 $3,103(+8.7%) $272,300(+12.9%) 2004 $2,854(+14.9%) $241,100(+12%) 2002 $2,484(-37.5%) $215,300 2001 $3,975 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9857 Beard Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55431 House Beard Ave S is a quiet neighborhood with beautiful matured trees. This neighborhood is within a mile of nature preserve, shopping, junior & senior high schools, Normandale community college and a… zillow.com Facts and features Year built: 1982Lot: 11,761 sq feetType: Single Family ResidentialHeating: Forced airCooling: CentralParking: Attached garage Interior features Appliances: Washer, Microwave, Refrigerator, Dryer, Freezer Basement: Unfinished Flooring: Tile Building details Floors: 1 Roof: Asphalt Utility: City Sewer/Connected Tax: Annual taxes $3,621, Tax year: 2012 Possible Relatives James A Greenfield, Elizabeth J Greenfield, James D Greenfield, Karin M Johnson, Susan R Kline, William T Kaster, William T Kaster, Alexis M Greenfield, Harriet C Greenfield, Mark A Greenfield, Alfred D Kaster Patricia J Kaster, Rayginna F Kaster, William Thomas Kaster Jr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Possible Associates Cheryl Marie Jeffers, Joan M Collado, Richard Mariano Collado, Amy Beth Macias, B randon Thomas Kline, Claire Renata Lobo, Dennis Jay McCullough, Jason J Bain, Jeff W Johnson, Joe F Johnston, Karin M Johnson, Kathryne E Kline, Mary C Moran, Melissa A Robohn, Nada J Jamaty, S hadaya Leanette Johnson Todd Martin Johnson __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Father's Information Full Name: James Anthony Greenfield Age: Age 44 (Jul 1977) Height: 5,11 Weight: 172 Race: White Address: 3018 Lone Oak Dr Shreveport, LA 71118 __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Father's House Information 3018 Lone Oak Dr, Shreveport, LA 71118 House Remarkably updated home near shopping and Willis Knighton South. Updates in last 3 years: Kitchen appliances-stainless steel, disposal, granite counter-tops & tile backsplash, cabinetry, water heater,… zillow.com Facts and features Year built: 1977Lot: 7,840 sq feetType: Single FamilyCooling: CentralParking: Attached garage, 2 spaces Interior features Appliances: Dishwasher, Microwave, Refrigerator, Range / Oven, Garbage disposal Flooring: Tile, Other Building details Floors: 1 Roof: Shingle Utility: City Tax: Annual taxes $273, Tax year: 2015 Nearby schools Name and rating Grades Distance 9 Claiborne Fundamental Elementary School K-5 4.70 mi 9 Caddo Parish Middle Magnet School 6-8 4.40 mi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 bd2 ba1,198 sqft 3018 Lone Oak Dr, Shreveport, LA 71118 SoldSold on 06/28/19Zestimate®: $138,800 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Facts and featuresEdit Type: SingleFamily Year built: 1977 Heating: Other, Gas Cooling: Central Parking: 2 Parking spaces Lot: 7,840 sqft Interior details Bedrooms and bathrooms Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Full bathrooms: 1 1/2 bathrooms: 1 Basement Basement: None Flooring Flooring: Tile, Other Heating Heating features: Other, Gas Cooling Cooling features: Central Appliances Appliances included: Dishwasher, Garbage disposal, Microwave, Range / Oven, Refrigerator Other interior features Total interior livable area: 1,198 sqft Property details Parking Total spaces: 2 Parking features: Garage - Attached, Off-street, Covered Property Exterior features: Brick Lot Lot size: 7,840 sqft Other property information Parcel number: 161404018001000 Construction details Type and style Home type: SingleFamily Material information Construction materials: brick Roof: Shake / Shingle Condition Year built: 1977 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Year Property Taxes Tax Assessment 2020 $194(-19.2%) $7,290(+0.1%) 2019 $240(-2.1%) $7,281 2018 $245 $7,281 2017 -- $7,281(-2.3%) 2015 -- $7,450 2014 -- $7,450 2013 -- $7,450 2012 -- $7,450(+4.9%) 2011 -- $7,100 2010 -- $7,100 2009 -- $7,100 2008 -- $7,100(+2.3%) 2007 -- $6,940 2006 -- $6,940 2005 -- $6,940 2004 -- $6,940(+25.3%) 2003 -- $5,540 2002 -- $5,540 2000 -- $5,540 ██╗███╗░░██╗████████╗███████╗██████╗░███████╗░█████╗░███╗░░██╗███████╗  ░█████╗░███╗░░██╗████████╗░█████╗░██████╗░ ██║████╗░██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗╚════██║██╔══██╗████╗░██║██╔════╝  ██╔══██╗████╗░██║╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗ ██║██╔██╗██║░░░██║░░░█████╗░░██████╔╝░░███╔═╝██║░░██║██╔██╗██║█████╗░░  ██║░░██║██╔██╗██║░░░██║░░░██║░░██║██████╔╝ ██║██║╚████║░░░██║░░░██╔══╝░░██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░██║░░██║██║╚████║██╔══╝░░  ██║░░██║██║╚████║░░░██║░░░██║░░██║██╔═══╝░ ██║██║░╚███║░░░██║░░░███████╗██║░░██║███████╗╚█████╔╝██║░╚███║███████╗  ╚█████╔╝██║░╚███║░░░██║░░░╚█████╔╝██║░░░░░ ╚═╝╚═╝░░╚══╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚══╝╚══════╝  ░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚══╝░░░╚═╝░░░░╚════╝░╚═╝░░░░░ __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ||==============================================================================| *&&&&&&&&&&&&%&%#/ | #&&@@@%(**,,,*//((#&&&&%% | %&@@&&(,. ........,,*/#%&&%&# | (%&&&&#. .../%%%&%#( | /%&&&&* .,#%%&&( | .%&&&&/ .#%&&%* | /&&&&# .. .(%&&&%. | &&&&&* ** , , ,#%&&&%% | &&@@&%, (@&&&* , @@&@, .*%&@&@@&# | .&@@&&/. .%@&%%&. , #&&@@( .(&@@@@&&# | %&&&%. .#@&&&&&%# . #&%%&@* ./&@@@@&% | %%&&#*@@&&%%&&% . , #%&&&@@*..#&@@@&( | .%%&&&/*%&@&&/ . .* ,@&@&@* .*&@@@&&. | ,#%&&&%/. .. /#. ./,.......&&&&&&&. | *#%%&@&%/... @% %&. ,///(%&.*@&&&&& | (#%&&%@&&%/. ./&# *&&&&&( | #%%%&@.@&%#. ..&* #%&&&&* | #%%%&&&&&&#. *@@&&@&@&* .%&&& &&%&&% | (%%%&&&%%%&* @&&@@@@@@@ ,&#@@&&@&%&&& | /%&%&%&&@@@%. @@@@@@@@@@ .@%%&@@&@%%&&&@&&@&@@@%(,. | ,*(#&%%&&&%&@@@@&# @@@&@@@@@& /&@%@@@&&%&&&&@@@&&@@@@@@&&&&@@@@| ,#@@@@@@@&&&&%%%&&@&&@@@@% #@&&@@@@@, @@@@@@@&&&%&&&@@@@&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@| &&@@@&@@@@@@@&@@@&@&%%&&&@%&&@@@@% ,@@@@@@&@ &@@@@@@@@%&&&&@&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| @@@@@@&@@@@@@@@@@@@&%%%&&@&&&@@@@&( @&@@@@@# /@@@@@@@@@%&&&@&@@&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&%%&&&@&@&@@@@@@ (@@@@@&, &&@@@@@@@@&&&&@&&@@&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| @@@@@@@@@@@&@@@@@&@&%%&&@@&@@@@@&@@/ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@&&&&@@@&@@&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@| @@@@@@@@@@@&@&@@@&@&%%&&&@&@@@@@@@@@ #@@@@# &@@@@@@@@@@@&&@@@@@&@@&&@@@@@@@@@@@@| @@@@@@&@@@@@@@@@@@@&%&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@ @&@@ #@@@@@@@@@@&@&&&@@@@@&@@&&@@@@@@@@@@@| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@* .*@@&@@@@@@@@@&&&&&@@@@@@&@@&@@@@@@@@@@@| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#%##%%&%%&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&%%%%%%%&%%%%%#%%%%%%%%%%%%%| ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ██╗███╗░░██╗████████╗███████╗██████╗░███████╗░█████╗░███╗░░██╗███████╗  ██████╗░░█████╗░███╗░░██╗  ██╗░░░██╗ ██║████╗░██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗╚════██║██╔══██╗████╗░██║██╔════╝  ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗████╗░██║  ██║░░░██║ ██║██╔██╗██║░░░██║░░░█████╗░░██████╔╝░░███╔═╝██║░░██║██╔██╗██║█████╗░░  ██████╔╝███████║██╔██╗██║  ██║░░░██║ ██║██║╚████║░░░██║░░░██╔══╝░░██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░██║░░██║██║╚████║██╔══╝░░  ██╔══██╗██╔══██║██║╚████║  ██║░░░██║ ██║██║░╚███║░░░██║░░░███████╗██║░░██║███████╗╚█████╔╝██║░╚███║███████╗  ██║░░██║██║░░██║██║░╚███║  ╚██████╔╝ ╚═╝╚═╝░░╚══╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚══╝╚══════╝  ╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═╝░░╚══╝  ░╚═════╝░