Welcome to your downfall, Dylan Bruce.
                                                                   "In battle, if you make your opponent flinch, you have already won.
                                                                   you, my opponent, have flinched through the entire battle. 

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                                                               being a  dickhead 


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                                                                  NAME - Dylan Bruce

                                                                  Age - 22 
                                                                  Birth - March 21th, 2000, 16:33 UTC 
                                                                  Address - 19 Bressay Brae Aberdeen AB15 6WJ (lives with his mother)
                                                                  Alias - Skyline 
                                                                  Discord - skyline#0003
                                                                  Social media o.zyg on Snapchat dqlqn_ on Instagram
                                                                  Ethnicity - White 
                                                                       ███████╗██╗  ██╗████████╗██████╗  █████╗ ███████╗   
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                                                              Mums name: Nicola Bruce
                                                              Age: Disabled in a wheelchair #burned to death by Jamesao 
                                                              Brother: Adam Bruce little maggot who is crippled his instagram is adam_bruce123
                                                              Sister Tania Bruce Ugly weirdo her instagram is taniabruce__
                                                              she has some smelly mates who look like dogshit and smell like curry
                                                              - claims to be a "professional coder" but cant code a simple defacer?
                                                              - Claims to have "many bitches" but his snap is dryer than the desert?
                                                              - begs me for money since he cant get a job and mummy wont give him any
                                                              -ABUSES HIS MUM
                                                              - Uses free credit cards off youtube & google generators. 
                                                              - He's in debt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
                                                               - IP ADDRESS :90:201.122.169
                                                                                              _____  _____
                                                                                             <     `/     |
                                                                                              >          (
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                                                                                             |  |_) | |_) |
                                                                                             |  | \ | |   |                                            Gone and wont be missed.;(----       You have fucked up more than twice. this was not my fault. it was all on you. Rest In Peace @SKYLINE.    ╰⋃╯

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                                                                            _/                                       \|     |
                                                                           |                   DYLAN BRUCE#           <
                                                                           |_____.-._________              ____/|___________|
                                                                                             |* 21/3/2000
                                                                                             |+ 13/07/2022|
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