____            _     _       
 |  _ \  _____  _| |__ (_)_ __  
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Title:Turkish pro skid emrovsky

Created:July 19th 2024

Created by:Anonymous

He has been posting disturbing zoosadism content and has been harming her cat on Discord cult servers. 
He is a talented coder who boasts about his skills, but his behavior is reprehensible. Despite being wealthy, he pretends to be poor. 
Additionally, he is disrespectful and exploitative, taking advantage of the kids.
He is friends with biggest scammers like kaung who is suspected to have scam 5 different banks and over 100 elderly people for over 100k usd.
He likes to drink cum and also is anime addicted

phone number: 05367115157 
Discord: emrovsky
instagram: emrovsky

last name: İSLAM
moms name: HİLAL
dads name: KAMİL
dads government number: 46408748540
moms government number: 46276752908
government number: 15983374550
birth date: 20.3.2008



[$] Phone Number    : 380662906885
[$] Country         : Ukraine
[$] tele. op.       : vodafone
[$] Timezone        : GMT +03

[$] Gender          : Male
[$] Last Name       : > Batyuk
[$] First Name      : > Nikolai
[$] surname         : > Viktorovich
[$] date of birth   : 24.06.1989
[$] face            : https://t.me/ariflamekillaz/10

[$] soc media       : https://vk.com/id116058824 // https://wa.me/380662906885 // https://viber.click/380662906885                              




[$] Phone Number    : 380990441571
[$] Country         : Ukraine
[$] tele. op.       : vodafone
[$] Timezone        : GMT +03

[$] Gender          : Female 
[$] Last Name       : > Shevtsova
[$] First Name      : > Lyubov`
[$] surname         : > Petrovna
[$] date of birth   : 20.01.1984
[$] soc media       : https://vk.com/l.shevtsova84
[$] face            : https://t.me/ariflamekillaz/7

[$] soc media       : https://wa.me/380990441571 // https://viber.click/380990441571 // https://vk.com/l.shevtsova84
