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   ┃                  Table Of Contents                     ┃
   ┃                                                        ┃
   ┃    0x01  Introduction......................            ┃
   ┃    0x02  Victim.............................           ┃
   ┃    0x03  Social............................            ┃                              
   ┃    0x04  Relatives..........................           ┃
   ┃                                                        ┃
 :0x01 - Introduction                                                                                    

weird bitch being racist on the gram
thinking shes cool and shit

Doxed by opterror & devil

 :0x02 - The Victim.                                                                           

Full Name: Emma Ellyson
Address: 5526 Virginia Rd, Marysville, CA 95901
House Worth: $445,814

Related Phone Numbers: (530) 639-2320, (530) 742-7541, (530) 938-1386, (530) 743-6783
Related Addresses: 9814 Spring Valley Rd, Marysville, CA 95901

School: Marysville High School, CA
School Address: 12 18th St, Marysville, CA 95901, United States

 :0x03 - Social                                                                         

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/emma._.ellyson/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/emma.ellyson.7/
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuIvQopigHsGsvUmiaUjBtA
Snapchat - ellyson.emma

 :0x04 - Relatives                                                                         

- Ryan Ellyson 
- Carissa Ellyson
- Casey Ellyson
- David Ellyson 
- Cher Ellyson
- Christy Ellyson
- Carmella Ellyson