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      *all Info is Public Just thought why not make this for fun*
 Doxed By: ????????????

 Reason for Dox: https://ibb.co/rGnBZwv

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Full Name: Emily Gorcenski

Age: 38

Gender: Female

Phone Number: ???-867-5309

Skin Colour: White

Language/s Spoken: 
    English: Native Fluency (American)
    German: Learning (approximately A2)
    Spanish: Lapsed Learner (approximately A2)

Programming languages: 
Python, SQL, C#, MATLAB, FORTRAN, C/C++, Java

Her tools: 
Visual Studio .NET/VSCode, Anaconda, git, Jira, Trac, Trello, Chartio, Tableau

Cloud Competencies: 
Azure (AKS, Storage), AWS (Elastic Beanstalk, Route53, S3, Redshift, Lambda), Google Cloud (Firebase,
Cloud Storage, Load Balancer, Kubernetes Engine, Compute Engine, Cloud Functions), Databricks, Jupyterhub

School Education: 
    BS Mathematics (applied and computational), 2007, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
    Post-graduate work (Mathematics), 2011-2014 University of Virgina (non-matriculated), Charlottesville, VA

IP: unknown

ISP: Spectrum


Postcode: unknown

Adress/s: unknown
Pictures: https://ibb.co/JrfVXMy
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Facebook: X

Instagram: X

Youtube: X

Twitter: https://twitter.com/emilygorcenski

Websites: https://emilygorcenski.com/ (Unsecured Connection )

Email: : ejgorcenski@gmail.com

Steam: x

Twitch.tv: X

Google+: X

Skype: X

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Date of Birth (DOB): 1982 (age 38 years)

Height: 5'4 - 5'6

Weight: 120lbs

Married since: never

Adress History: Charlottesville, USA Then Moved To berlin

Facebook: X

(most likely Uses a "secure password"
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