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"#1 place where kids get their dox's handed to em"

Today I present a dox of a cocky toontown(LULZ more worse then those club penguin/habbo hotel losers this is a new generation of low) community repulsive social sociopathic reject who goes by the handle "EmilyC", which is a simple combination of her first and last name which is:Emily Courtois!, after a simple phone conversation with her I already can feel the attitude and fail intimidation tactics which ultimately led to her demise, when you try to fuck with me you get owned back ten fold let this be a lesson learned I take shit from no one especially not some online cyber 1337 hacker wannabe punk who dickrides some wannabe linux hacker(See Vegar.txt) who also can't do anything but bark his mouth up a tree.Forgot to also mention they both use comcast the most insecure ISP and yet they still have the audacity to run their mouths but its game over for you guys.Get better opsec and maybe this wouldn't of happened.To add insult to injury she talks about not everyone being perfect when she pretty much fits the bill of not being perfect like she states as you can see in this "fabulous" picture of her:http://imgur.com/xds2OI2(Sarcasm Intended).Emily is also a lesbian and admitted it in a facebook post which she removed shortly after because she realized the backlash it would cause but its quite obvious shes one considering shes ugly and can't get guys and two she sounds manly so not suprised.If Emily continues to be an online pest much worse will befall her life.Hope you guys enjoyed this basic summary on this girl!, Inb4 she trys getting intangir to remove this dox I can already see it now ~ DTP

Table of Contents
[1.] Primary Information
[2.] Mothers Information
[3.] Fathers Information
[4.] Comcast Cable Subscriber Information
[5.] T-Mobile Account Information
[6.] Twitter Timeline Rape!
[7.] Social Medium Accounts of Emily Courtois

------[1.] Primary Information------------------------------------------------
Name:Emily Catherine Courtois - "Im not sure how to put this but im...Gay"
House Phone Number:770-728-4113 - Comcast, Landline
Cell Phone Number:678-982-6264 - T-Mobile, Mobile
Address:638 Magnolia Dr Loganville, GA 30052

- emiweeweee
- emiweec123
------[2.] Mothers Information------------------------------------------------
Name:Connie L. Courtois
Mothers Maiden Name(MMN):Connie L. Stephens
House Phone Number:770-728-4113 - Comcast, Landline
Cell Phone Number: 404-626-9905 - T-Mobile, Mobile
Address:638 Magnolia Dr Loganville, GA 30052

------[3.] Fathers Information------------------------------------------------
Her father needs to be looked into more from a leaked pastebin on him im not keen on if its disinformation or not so once I fully confirm her fathers info this section will also be updated soon.

------[4.] Comcast Cable Subscriber Information------------------------------------------------
Name: Connie Stephens
Phone Number: 404-626-9905 - T-Mobile, Mobile
Address: 638 Magnolia Dr Loganville, GA 30052
Account Number: 8220144220090792
Email: constephens@comcast.net

------[5.] T-Mobile Subscriber Information------------------------------------------------
Name on file:?
Phone Numbers on file:678-982-6264, ?, ?
Address on file:638 Magnolia Dr Loganville, GA 30052
Account Number on file:?
Email on file:?