# d0xed on 2019.10.19

--- Basic ---
Full Name: Emilija Freydel
DOB: February 9, 2002 (15 yo according to IG's info)

--- Location ---
Country: Lithuania
City: Nemenčinė / Vilnius

--- Contacts ---
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ema.emkila (private)
Instagram: feinme    (ID: 3167527057)
SnapChat: efreydel9
VK: https://vk.com/id355491999

--- Accounts ---
TikTok: emilijafreydel
E-Mail (unverified): emilijafreydel@gmail.com, emilija.freydel@gmail.com

--- Close Friends ---
1. Livija Sagadinaitė (already doxed)
2. Akvilė Aranauskaitė
3. Anastasija Rutkovskaja
# Probably more of them are going down here on DoxBin

--- Public Pictures ---
1. https://anonfile.com/F2O4I48bn1/69772983_236114924025709_5078713710703231717_n_jpg
2. https://anonfile.com/97O3I18enb/67830931_100673091289714_6135856106983056744_n_jpg
3. https://anonfile.com/A5O5I48fn5/66480923_2361829594059861_7771515570040551686_n_jpg
More: https://pikdo.net/u/feinme/3167527057 (account is public atm)

--- Alias ---
1) Freydel
2) EmilijaFreydel
3) Efreydel9
4) Feinme
5) Emilija Freydel
6) Ema Emkila

--- DBs Scan ---
1 Result in EyeEM.com
1 Result in Shein.com (07-2018)
1 Result in Myfitnesspal.com (2018-03)

Doxed by JuIC3
Reason: bitch asks for cash and tried to blackmail my brother