 |					SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE						  |
 |	.̴̥̙͖͚̤̱̣͓̦̇̊̆̔̑̃̄̊̿̕.̴̙̥͓͍̺͊̈̌̉͋͝.̶̢̹͇̦̥̫̤͇̈́̈́̍̀̽͠		Intro: this is what happens when nxt. doesnt stfu          	.̴̥̙͖͚̤̱̣͓̦̇̊̆̔̑̃̄̊̿̕.̴̙̥͓͍̺͊̈̌̉͋͝.̶̢̹͇̦̥̫̤͇̈́̈́̍̀̽͠               |
 |     			but gg favpolin.				                                  |
 |													  |
 |	young victim you shall learn and pay the price you low life liar will learn 	                  |
 |                                          your rights and wrongs my slave.				  |
 |___________________________________________________ƓĨƔĕ ꀌĕᖆ ꀌĕŁŁ________________________________________|

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| - Full name: Jonas Mikus
| - State: Germany, Braunschweig
| - Age: dm me on cord (daave.xyz)
| - Gender: Male
| - Socials      
|          Facebook: jonas.mikus
|          Discord Name: elterninfo
|          Discord Id: 633264086531964953
| - Family Deathhistory      
|- Photos Of Jonas Mikus

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