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                                                      			- LARPs as a 138 IQ Harvard graduate despite living in Miami, FL and going to another university
                                                      			- Retweets Andrew Tate and calls himself a "lone wolf", egos himself extremely hard
                                                      			- Simp, racist, homophobe, basically a neo-nazi
                                                      			- Banned on reddit twice for whatever his fucking political antics are
									- Claims to be the extremely attractive and that "it triggers other men into viciously hating".
									  (likely is gonna say that he was "fail" doxed out of jealousy due to his ego)
									- Goes against every Christian moral, then quotes the bible and acts like he's devoted
									- Allowing Go0se#1469 to be moderator (tranny fagtard who is mentally unhinged and has to ban/kick/mute when losing arguments. has an IQ of below freezing, proven by msg history)
									  (if you ever rape their discord make sure to ping Goose and tell him to off himself. His Discord ID is 194350181221793792 incase he changes his shit)
									- Honestly just being himself at this point

                                                                                        ████████  █████  ██████   ██████  ███████ ████████    
                                                                                           ██    ██   ██ ██   ██ ██       ██         ██    ██ 
                                                                                           ██    ███████ ██████  ██   ███ █████      ██       
                                                                                           ██    ██   ██ ██   ██ ██    ██ ██         ██    ██ 
                                                                                           ██    ██   ██ ██   ██  ██████  ███████    ██       

										» Name: Ernesto Pollo
										» DOB: 2003-2004 (19)
										» Pictures:
											➥ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1087129613441970326/1087129664037855262/image.png?width=1440&height=602https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1087129613441970326/1087129696791183441/336330216_925508818900844_6239912852947549999_n.png (one in the front)
										» Location: Miami, FL
										» Address: 15620 SW 49th St, Miami, FL (33185-4133)
										» Previous Addresses:
											➥ 6101 Berkshire Dr, Bethesda, MD 20814-2253
											➥ 7506 Westlake Ter, Bethesda, MD 20817-6541
											➥ 228 Fournier St, Berea OH 44017-1522
										» Schooling: Florida International University
										» Known Aliases: ernesto_pollo, elne, elneofficial, previously owned "AGodNotAKing"
										» Social Medias:
											➥ ID: 814580697238470686 » Elne#7881 » discord.gg/5qhtjFftxp
											➥ https://steamcommunity.com/id/VaginaInspector/https://twitter.com/ElneOfficialhttps://www.reddit.com/user/Elneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (deleted)
										» Religion: Christian (ironic, isn't it?)

                                                                                             ███████  █████  ████████ ██   ██ ███████ ██████         
                                                                                             ██      ██   ██    ██    ██   ██ ██      ██   ██ ██     
                                                                                             █████   ███████    ██    ███████ █████   ██████         
                                                                                             ██      ██   ██    ██    ██   ██ ██      ██   ██ ██     
                                                                                             ██      ██   ██    ██    ██   ██ ███████ ██   ██
										» Name: Jorge Pollo Gonzalez
										» DOB: July 1971 (51)
										» Location: Miami, FL
										» Address: 15620 SW 49th St, Miami, FL (33185-4133)
										» Previous Addresses:
											➥ 6101 Berkshire Dr, Bethesda, MD 20814-2253
											➥ 7506 Westlake Ter, Bethesda, MD 20817-6541
											➥ 228 Fournier St, Berea OH 44017-1522
										» Associates:
                                                                            Roberto O Calderin
                                                                            Jorge Pollo Gonzalez
                                                                            Omar E Calderin
                                                                            Anthony R Calderin
                                                                            Aundria Kristine Calderin
                                                                            Dalia Estrada
                                                                            Lorenzo Gonzalez Gisselle
                                                                            Asdrubal Bordelois
                                                                            Miriam E Calderin
                                                                            Analily Noda
                                                                            Arianne G Sasso
                                                                            Asdrubal Bordelois
                                                                            Augusto C Bordelois
                                                                            Benjamin Gonzalez
                                                                            Carlos M Gonzalez SR
                                                                            Ernesto L Calderin
                                                                            Georgina A Gonzalez
                                                                            Ilona G R Garcia-Kat
                                                                            Jacinto Calderin
                                                                            Jennifer M Lopez
                                                                            Jesus J Garcia
                                                                            Karen P Guzman
                                                                            Maria I Alvarez
                                                                            Marta Teresa Rewkiewicz
                                                                            Mayda A Gonzalez
                                                                            Melanie Rae Bordelois
                                                                            Otto A Gonzalez
                                                                            Raimis Gonzalez Valdes
                                                                            Roberto A Gonzalez
                                                                            Rosario Mendez Rubio
                                                                            Rosibel Mora Gonzalez
                                                                            Alexander M Calderin
                                                                            Victor Manuel Gonzalez

                                                                                            ███    ███  ██████  ████████ ██   ██ ███████ ██████     
                                                                                            ████  ████ ██    ██    ██    ██   ██ ██      ██   ██ ██ 
                                                                                            ██ ████ ██ ██    ██    ██    ███████ █████   ██████     
                                                                                            ██  ██  ██ ██    ██    ██    ██   ██ ██      ██   ██ ██ 
                                                                                            ██      ██  ██████     ██    ██   ██ ███████ ██   ██

										» Name: Rosario Mendez Rubio
										» DOB: Jan 1976 (47)
										» Location: Possibly Miami, FL, most records show MD
										» Address: 7506 Westlake Ter, Bethesda, MD (20817-6541)
										» Previous Addresses:
											➥ 15620 SW 49th St, Miami, FL 33185-4133
											➥ 6101 Berkshire Dr, Bethesda, MD 20814-2253
											➥ 228 Fournier St, Berea OH 44017-1522
										» Associates:
                                                                            Gonzalez Pollo
                                                                            Jorge Pollo Gonzalez
                                                                            Analily Noda
                                                                            Anthony Calderin
                                                                            Arianne Sasso
                                                                            Asdrubal Bordelois
                                                                            Asdrubal Bordelois
                                                                            Augusto Bordelois
                                                                            Aundria Calderin
                                                                            Benjamin Gonzalez
                                                                            Dalia Estrada
                                                                            Esperanza Garcia
                                                                            Ilona Garcia-kat
                                                                            Jacinto Calderin
                                                                            Jennifer Lopez
                                                                            Jesus Garcia
                                                                            Jesus Garcia
                                                                            Jorge Garcia
                                                                            Laura Garcia
                                                                            Lorenzo Gisselle
                                                                            Luis Garcia
                                                                            Manuel Garcia
                                                                            Manuela Garcia
                                                                            Maria Garcia
                                                                            Maria Shirazi
                                                                            Marta Rewkiewicz
                                                                            Mayda Gonzalez
                                                                            Milagros Garcia
                                                                            Miriam Calderin
                                                                            Omar Calderin
                                                                            Otto Gonzalez
                                                                            Raimis Valdes
                                                                            Roberto Calderin
                                                                            Roberto Gonzalez
                                                                            Ronald Garcia
                                                                            Rosibel Gonzalez

						 ________  __                      __         ______     __                 __                                                   __               
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					- You've been ran by Bao Shuang News Network.
					- Oddly enough, his parents have no traceable emails, phones, etc according to the handful of sites I've checked on them. Very odd!
					- Make sure to tell Goose he's a tranny fag larper! Their Discord invite is listed next to Ernesto's discord account.

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	 | |   | |;2KY2KY2KY2++++++++| |   | | > YOUR TIME HAS RUN OUT.
	 | |   | | ;++++++++++++++++;| |   | |
	 | |   | |  ;++++++++++++++;.| |   | | > Discord server: discord.gg/4qxt73MeHc
	 | |   | |   :++++++++++++:  | |   | | > Youtube channel (owned by BSNN, not me): https://www.youtube.com/@wangdongnewsnetworkturkmen5972
	 | |   | |    .:++++++++;.   | |   | |
	 | |   | |       .:;+:..     | |   | | > Dox created by 0654
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