Full Name:Elliott Teenans
Address:317 High St, Kirkcaldy KY1 1JL (not confirmed)
Skype:not sure
Usernames: Mitusumi, Ben_Shapiro, Ben_Shaprio
Social Networking Sites:https://www.facebook.com/elliott.teenans.710
SSN (Social Security Numbers):
Sensitive Info (Credit Card, Password, Email etc):
Phone #:
Parent Names:Mick Teenans
Siblings: Not sure if he has any. 
Relatives:Chloe Teenans Louise Teenans Anges Sz Kerry Denise Teenans Robert Szalabski

links to all there fbs



https://www.facebook.com/chloe.teenans (His Daughter)

https://www.facebook.com/michael.teenans.7 (his dad)


https://www.facebook.com/agnes.sz.10 (Wife)

https://www.facebook.com/robert.szalabski.902 (wifes brother)

https://www.facebook.com/robert.szalabski.167 (wifes brother)

Doxed by the m1 and the russian mafia