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discord id ┃ ┃its_time76 - discord username ┃ ┃ASTROCLOWN - discord display name ┃ ┃title76#9999 - originally known as ┃ ┃ - current ip address ┃ ┃422 Tacoma Ave S Tacoma, WA 98402 room 303 - current address ┃ ┃OOFtheOOF123; Elliott2009!!!; EH05242009; HeyBITCH123; LolBITCH123; Nigga123!; RealOppsOnOblock; BeamedByMOIC -- passwords ┃ ┃abagofryder@gmail.com; mooseman20hundred123@gmail.com; howtospacebruh@gmail.com; webtechspy@gmail.com; subscribenlosen@gmail.com; ┃ ┃iaminlovewithsopiehendrickson@gmail.com; wedontfucingcare@gmail.com; wedontfuccingcare@gmail.com; elliottgileshunt@gmail.com; thomasljackson@gmail.com; ┃ ┃storiburr@gmail.com; discordemaillol12345@gmail.com; biskvscadrigadriga@gmail.com; emailthatsanon@gmail.com; whatthefuccdud@gmail.com; mayhemhunt99@gmail.com -- emails┃ ┃lol they; MooseMan; Jack Ryder; Elliott Hunt; Ell Hunt; Emilia HardCock; J4hrrh Jrjrjr rfyxck e57o shellburg anidas -- email names ┃ ┃(253) 343-8600; mobile phone; Elliott Giles Hunt ┃ ┃(253) 361-7062; brothers phone; Christian Hunt ┃ ┃(253) 212-6116; moms phone; Stori Leann Burr ┃ ┃(253) 361-7060; dads phone; Brandon Hunt (VanderSteen) ┃ ┃(253) 361-7380; step moms phone; Brandon Hunt (Vandersteen) ┃ ┃(253) 219-0427; step dads phone; Thomas Lee Jackson ┃ ┃(253) 241-8846; sisters phone; Lilith Forrest ┃ ┃(253) 999-8419; friends phone; Hades ┃ ┃(251) 227-5873; friends phone; June ┃ ┃(253) 314-1689; friends phone; Ashton Loney ┃ ┃(509) 701-9159; friends phone; Lilly ┃ ┃(470) 810-8427; friends phone; Sixten Knudson ┃ ┃(253) 468-2945; friends phone; Roman ┃ ┃(253) 325-0595; friends phone; Matthew ┃ ┃(206) 578-8437; friends phone; Marley ┃ ┃(907) 312-0370; friends phone; Grace ┃ ┃(253) 691-4140; friends phone; Audrey Shadduck ┃ ┃(820) 465-7843; friends phone; Isabela ┃ ┃(253) 380-5429; friends phone; Aiyana ┃ ┃(253) 267-9425; friends phone; Emmot ┃ ┃(253) 314-3305; friends phone; Ellis ┃ ┃(808) 465-8717; Unknown Relationship; Jack ┃ ┃(253) 228-2853; Unidentified ┃ ┃05/24/2009; Elliotts birthday ┃ ┃discord.id info - https://i.imgur.com/5YQonIW.png ┃ ┃[TEXTNOW ACCOUNT(s)/NUMBER(s)] ┃ ┃mooseman20hundred123@gmail.com ┃ ┃(507) 306-4449 ┃ ┃[SCHOOL EMAIL] ┃ ┃3014821@tps10.org ┃ ┃[FACEBOOK ACCOUNT(s)] ┃ ┃wedontfucingcare@gmail.com ┃ ┃[STEAM ACCOUNT(s)] ┃ ┃moosemman ┃ ┃webtechspy@gmail.com ┃ ┃[MICROSOFT ACCOUNT(s)] ┃ ┃webtechspy@gmail.com ┃ ┃Kayla Diane Forrest (Known As: Kayla Diane Cantonwine, Kayla D Cambern, Cantonwine Kayla) ┃ ┃In a Relationship With Casey Ross ┃ ┃Current Address(es): ┃ ┃ 1907 S L St Tacoma, WA 98405 ┃ ┃ 4 Bed | 3.5 Bath | 2,034 Sq Ft | Built 1895 ┃ ┃ Bedrooms 4; Bathrooms 4; Square Feet 2,034; Year Built 1895; ┃ ┃ Estimated Value $465,000; Estimated Equity $135,831; Last Sale Amount $349,719; Last Sale Date 06/15/2018; ┃ ┃ Occupancy Type Owner Occupied; Ownership Type Individual; Land Use Single Family Residential; Property Class Residential; ┃ ┃ Subdivision New Tacoma; Lot Square Feet 3,250; APN 201923-0-020; School District Tacoma Public Schools; ┃ ┃ Pierce County ┃ ┃ (Jun 2017 - Sep 2023) ┃ ┃Old Address(es): ┃ ┃ 6102 6th Ave #C25 ┃ ┃ Tacoma, WA 98406 ┃ ┃ Pierce County ┃ ┃ (Feb 2017 - May 2023) ┃ ┃ 8207 Paine St SW ┃ ┃ Lakewood, WA 98499 ┃ ┃ Pierce County ┃ ┃ (May 2014 - Oct 2014) ┃ ┃ 604 140th St S ┃ ┃ Tacoma, WA 98444 ┃ ┃ Pierce County ┃ ┃ (Mar 2011 - Jul 2018) ┃ ┃ 906 S Sheridan Ave ┃ ┃ Tacoma, WA 98405 ┃ ┃ Pierce County ┃ ┃ (Jul 2013 - Jul 2013) ┃ ┃ 1805 Yakima Ave ┃ ┃ Tacoma, WA 98405 ┃ ┃ Pierce County ┃ ┃ (Jan 2008 - Jul 2012) ┃ ┃ 1801 Yakima Ave ┃ ┃ Tacoma, WA 98405 ┃ ┃ Pierce County ┃ ┃ (Jan 2008 - Sep 2012) ┃ ┃ 2886 Hyland St ┃ ┃ Dupont, WA 98327 ┃ ┃ Pierce County ┃ ┃ (Feb 2008 - Jan 2014) ┃ ┃ 4981 Kays Rd ┃ ┃ Wapato, WA 98951 ┃ ┃ Yakima County ┃ ┃ (Jan 1996 - Jan 1996) ┃ ┃Current Phone Number(s): ┃ ┃ (253) 320-3736 (Last reported Aug 2023, T-Mobile USA) ┃ ┃Old Phone Number(s): ┃ ┃ (253) 222-481 (Last reported Feb 2008, T-Mobile USA) ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ____ _ _ _____ ┃ ┃ / __ \| | | | | __ \ _ ┃ ┃ | | | | | __| | | | | | _____ __ (_) ┃ ┃ | | | | |/ _` | | | | |/ _ \ \/ / ┃ ┃ | |__| | | (_| | | |__| | (_) > < _ ┃ ┃ \____/|_|\__,_| |_____/ \___/_/\_\ (_) ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃Full Name: Elliott Giles-Noisette Hunt ┃ ┃Elliotts Birthday: May 24 ┃ ┃Elliotts Old Boyfriend: Jageli Edward Rife ┃ ┃Elliotts Old Crushes: ┃ ┃-Truleaha Griese ┃ ┃-Ava Thoemke ┃ ┃-Lucy Heaton --(Not sure about Her Last Name) ┃ ┃-William Atkins ┃ ┃-Genevieve Vandenberg --(Not sure about Her Last Name) ┃ ┃-Lilith --(Elliotts Sister) ┃ ┃1 of 2 of Elliotts Brothers: Christian Robert Mayham Hunt/Vandersteen ┃ ┃2nd Brother: Unknown ┃ ┃Elliotts Emails: ┃ ┃Non School Emails: ┃ ┃-mooseman20hundred123@gmail.com ┃ ┃-howtospacebruh@gmail.com ┃ ┃School Emails: ┃ ┃-3014821@tps10.org ┃ ┃-hunte@tps10.org ┃ ┃Elliotts Job Title: Student ┃ ┃Elliotts School District: Tacoma School District ┃ ┃Park Near Elliotts House: 501 S I St, Tacoma, WA 98405 (Wright Park) ┃ ┃Park Hours: ┃ ┃Wednesday 7AM–9PM ┃ ┃Thursday 7AM–9PM ┃ ┃Friday 7AM–9PM ┃ ┃Saturday 7AM–9PM ┃ ┃Sunday 7AM–9PM ┃ ┃Monday 7AM–9PM ┃ ┃Tuesday 7AM–9PM ┃ ┃Weekday Apartments: Florence Apartments 422 Tacoma Ave S ┃ ┃Weekday Apartments Door Number: 303 ┃ ┃Weekday Apartments Postal Code: 98402 ┃ ┃Weekday Apartments IP: ┃ ┃Where He's Located: Tacoma Washington ┃ ┃Weekend Apartments: 1303 Division Ave, Tacoma, WA ┃ ┃Weekend Apartments Door Number: Unknown ┃ ┃Weekend Apartments Postal Code: 98403 ┃ ┃Weekend Apartments IP: ┃ ┃-- Zillow (Weekday Apartments): ┃ ┃4 Bedroom ┃ ┃2.5 Bathrooms ┃ ┃2,443 Square Feet ┃ ┃Sold For $385,000 ┃ ┃Sold On 05/10/19 ┃ ┃Estimate: $698,300 ┃ ┃Estimated Refi Payment: $2,109/Month ┃ ┃Estimate Range: $663,000 - $733,000 ┃ ┃Last 30-Day Change: + $43,800 (+6.7%) ┃ ┃Estimate Per Square Feet: $286 ┃ ┃-- Facts and Features (Weekday Apartments): ┃ ┃Type: Single Family ┃ ┃Cooling: No Data ┃ ┃Year Built: 2019 ┃ ┃Parking: Garage - Attached ┃ ┃Heating: Other ┃ ┃Lot: 5,998 Square Feet ┃ ┃Public tax history: ┃ ┃Year Property Taxes Tax Assessment ┃ ┃2021 -- $501,500 (+28.5%) ┃ ┃2019 $631 (-16.2%) $390,400 (+713.3%) ┃ ┃2018 $754 (+24.1%) $48,000 (+1.5%) ┃ ┃-- Zillow (Weekend Apartments): ┃ ┃https://www.zillow.com/b/1303-division-ave-tacoma-wa-5Zf9cN/ ┃ ┃Elliotts School: Hilltop Heritage Middle School ┃ ┃Elliotts Schools Address: 602 N Sprague Ave, Tacoma, WA 98403 ┃ ┃Schools Phone Number: (253)-571-7700 ┃ ┃School Founded In: 1924 ┃ ┃Schools Number Of Students: 591 Students From 2018-2019 ┃ ┃School Mascot: Bobcat ┃ ┃School Principal: Christine Brandt ┃ ┃School Staff: 29.03 (FTE) ┃ ┃Hours Open: ┃ ┃Wednesday 7:15AM–5PM ┃ ┃Thursday 7:15AM–5PM ┃ ┃Friday 7:15AM–5PM ┃ ┃Saturday Closed ┃ ┃Sunday Closed ┃ ┃Monday 7:15AM–5PM ┃ ┃Tuesday 7:15AM–5PM ┃ ┃Bell Schedule: ┃ ┃Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday ┃ ┃School starts at 8:15 a.m. ┃ ┃School ends at 2:45 p.m. ┃ ┃Wednesdays (Late Start) ┃ ┃School starts at 9:15 a.m. ┃ ┃School ends at 2:45 p.m. ┃ ┃Period: M/T/TH/F 1st Lunch: M,T,TH,F 2nd Lunch: W 1st Lunch: W 2nd Lunch: ┃ ┃Advisory Blank Blank 9:15-10:00 9:15-10:00 ┃ ┃1st 8:15-9:12 8:15-9:12 10:03-10:42 10:03-10:42 ┃ ┃2nd 9:15-10:12 9:15-10:12 10:45-11:24 10:45-11:24 ┃ ┃3rd 10:15-11:12 10:15-11:12 12:00-12:39 11:27-12:06 ┃ ┃Lunch 1 11:15-11:45 Blank 11:27-11:57 Blank ┃ ┃4th 11:48-12:45 11:15-12:12 12:42-11:57 12:42-1:21 ┃ ┃Lunch 2 Blank 12:15-12:45 Blank 12:09-12:39 ┃ ┃5th 12:48-1:45 12:48-1:45 1:24-2:03 1:24-2:03 ┃ ┃6th 1:48-2:45 1:48-2:45 2:06-2:45 2:06-2:45 ┃ ┃List Of Networks (Place Unknown): ┃ ┃Elliotts Network Name: "TARDIS" ┃ ┃Password: Unknown ┃ ┃List Of Networks Nearby: ┃ ┃-"ARRIS-B02D" ┃ ┃-"ARRIS-F721" ┃ ┃-"Karen" ┃ ┃-"Slurryfi" ┃ ┃-"TweetyBee" ┃ ┃-"PCA-CORP" ┃ ┃About Elliott: ┃ ┃Size: Large/Fat ┃ ┃Height: Around 5"10 ┃ ┃Sexuality: BiSexual or Gay (Can't Tell) ┃ ┃Can't Fight ┃ ┃Can't Run Far ┃ ┃Huge Liar ┃ ┃Huge Hypocrite ┃ ┃Racist ┃ ┃Unfunny ┃ ┃Cringe ┃ ┃Smelly/Stinky ┃ ┃Teeth In Bad Shape ┃ ┃Not Fun ┃ ┃Weird ┃ ┃Disgusting ┃ ┃EverythingPhobic ┃ ┃Likes To "Pack" People ┃ ┃Likes To Post Other Peoples Baby Photos ┃ ┃Gullible ┃ ┃Talks Shit Online But Is Scared In-Person ┃ ┃ETC. ┃ ┃Pictures Of Elliott: ┃ ┃https://prnt.sc/RmbrwRlP2ubx ┃ ┃https://prnt.sc/DlLI3jYvVEjN ┃ ┃https://prnt.sc/nJhS1umiBgh5 ┃ ┃https://prnt.sc/yU0rs_lz3Gkh ┃ ┃https://prnt.sc/X5NAjoz4P92D ┃ ┃^-- NOT all of them, but all you need to see. ┃ ┃ _ ┃ ┃ | | _ ┃ ┃ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ __| |_ __ ___ _ __ (_) ┃ ┃ | '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` | '__/ _ \| '_ \ ┃ ┃ | | | | (_| | | | | | | __/ | (_| | | | (_) | |_) | _ ┃ ┃ |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___| \__,_|_| \___/| .__/ (_) ┃ ┃ | | ┃ ┃ |_| ┃ ┃Mindy Kay ┃ ┃Florence Chickie Johnston ┃ ┃Alfreda C. Soriano ┃ ┃Mark Noble ┃ ┃Racine Blair ┃ ┃Diana Noble ┃ ┃Dax Ari ┃ ┃Arianna Gillespie ┃ ┃Sheryl Olsen ┃ ┃Nichole Mccullough ┃ ┃Shelly Bacon ┃ ┃Sherri Wilson ┃ ┃Tiffany Southard ┃ ┃Cerah May ┃ ┃Laurie Noble ┃ ┃Heather Paplow ┃ ┃Evelyn Macclain ┃ ┃Anita Briski ┃ ┃Jeri Ramsdell ┃ ┃Krystina Mashell Skaar ┃ ┃SebRena Burr ┃ ┃Setphanie Plan ┃ ┃Tasha Hunter ┃ ┃Alex Jones ┃ ┃Kim Green ┃ ┃Krystal Johnson ┃ ┃Storey Wilton ┃ ┃Kimberly Kay Enlow ┃ ┃Savanah Farrel ┃ ┃Jill Johnson ┃ ┃Vanessa Loomis ┃ ┃Ondriea Patrieace Hofeling ┃ ┃Gabe Perry ┃ ┃Nicole LeBold ┃ ┃Dominique Hopkins ┃ ┃Stewart Howell ┃ ┃Nicolas Smith ┃ ┃Keren Gordham ┃ ┃Amy Pershan ┃ ┃Myra Arnold ┃ ┃Valerie Jane ┃ ┃Aaron Nahanee ┃ ┃Amber Harris ┃ ┃Janet Curtright ┃ ┃Alan Chalfant ┃ ┃Nicole Karen Olson ┃ ┃Tabrien Meckelborg ┃ ┃Nenee Michaels ┃ ┃Walter Higdon II ┃ ┃Evelyn Mcclain ┃ ┃Luke Weaver ┃ ┃Madeline Hunt ┃ ┃Karren Wilder ┃ ┃Justin Davis ┃ ┃Naomi Vivian ┃ ┃Dee Marie ┃ ┃Stephanie Plan ┃ ┃Shannon Denny ┃ ┃Suzy Willhoft ┃ ┃Gary Reynolds ┃ ┃Max S Morgan ┃ ┃Sheena Honeycutt ┃ ┃Peggy Clement ┃ ┃Karen Gantt ┃ ┃Patrice Carter ┃ ┃Led Lawless ┃ ┃Naomi Vivian ┃ ┃Dionne Weaver ┃ ┃Chase Benward ┃ ┃Hannah Weaver ┃ ┃Anthony Vavra ┃ ┃Chris Meichtry ┃ ┃Cait Ross ┃ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛