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	║ 0x00 -                      Table Of Contents                              |                  		    Aleyna Scholz DOXED║						
Reason: abusing 8-12 year olds

Name Aleyna Scholz
Family Situation bad, 1father (no mother noob) living in a small apartment, 1  cat
Lives in Pestalozzi straße 8 in Hannover Lower Saxony
age 19
Phone Number 49+ 178 4181192
have depression hypersexuality ADHD and Autism

Social Medias


Discord angelsolitude UID 880067087463239682

Raped a 8 year old child

forced a 10year old to take off his clothes and pose for her

meeting 11-12 year olds and raping them in the forest or public toilets

sending nudes to minors

child fetish (pedo)




	   ║ 0x07 -                      Outro                                       |                                         Aleyna Scholz DOXED║

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							She raped a lot of kids so i want to ends this with this dox hopefully u feel the same anger like me
                                                       Im doing this for the childs who got abused by her...

                                                     my name is wunna feel free to write some nice words for me


        	 ║ 0x08 -                      Credits    wunna                                 |                                    Aleyna Scholz DOXED║