Hello :3
For the past few months I have been looking into a streamer by the name of "Minakowolf", due to someone contacting me stating that they are lying about a disorder.
I had tried to message this streamer, asking why, or if they can prove that they aren't lying - and got this response (live on stream) "Fuck you john" (fake name attached to the email.

After an extensive amount of investigation, I had concluded they were lying.
Proof attached after the dox

Also deleted all her social medias, but I archived them :)
They are moving soon - will update when they move

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Name: Lucie Viens-DeRuisseau
Address: 4053 CAPITOL DR PALM HARBOR, FL 34685
Phone number: Unknown
DOB: 02/24/2000

Mother: Lucille Marie De Ruisseau
Address: 4053 CAPITOL DR PALM HARBOR, FL 34685
Height: 5' 7"
Phone Number: Unknown
DOB: 01/10/1942
SSN: ends in 76, not leaking the whole ssn though because im not cruel like that (maybe i will later :3)

Social Medias:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg1kphEVTajUJPQDbbMTlrg
Twitter: https://x.com/Minakowolf
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minakowolf
Youtube2: https://www.youtube.com/@MinakowolfsTwitchArchive
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/minakowolf/
Throne: https://throne.com/minakowolf
Patreon (nsfw wtf): https://www.patreon.com/minakowolf

Now to the face leaks :3
