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   ,-.--` , \  _,..---._   ,-.--` , \ ,-.'-  _\/==/,  -   , -\/` ` - /==/ .'  - , `.-,   
  |==|-  _.-`/==/,   -  \ |==|-  _.-`/==/_ ,_.'\==\.-.  - ,-./`-'-. -|==|/ -  ,  ,_\==\  
  |==|   `.-.|==|   _   _\|==|   `.-.\==\  \    `--`\==\- \       | `|==|     .=.   |==| 
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 |==|    .-' |==|,|   | -|==|    .-'  _\==\ ,\       |==|- |      | `|==|     `=` , |==| 
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 /==/ ,     /|==|-,   _`//==/ ,     /\==\ - , /      /==/ -/   /     \==\ `.   - .`=.`   
 `--`-----`` `-.`.____.' `--`-----``  `--`---'       `--`--`   `-----`---`  ``--'--'  
Meet Edest10. He’s a skid from Florida known for his involvement in a range of questionable activities, 
including larping as a skilled hacker and asking others to harass his targets. 

One of his most notable habits is relentlessly meatriding the Solstice Client. 
With an inflated ego, he often brags about his wealth and success, but he is far from well-off. 

Since joining the Minecraft Bedrock scene in late 2020, he has claimed to be "untouchable" while flaunting his supposed achievements and connections. 
Despite his attempts to build an imposing persona, his actions reveal a deeper insecurity and a lack of real skills. 

People like this shouldn't have access to the internet.
                                Basic Information
Name: Landin Asam 
Age: 15
Address: 143 Spruce Rd, Interlachen, FL 32148
                              Family Information
Father: Jason S Reynolds
Phone Number: (352) 235-4199
Email: bill.conley51@yahoo.com
Father SSN: 426257786
Father SSN Lookup: https://files.catbox.moe/esxls0.json

Mother: Amena Maria Asam
Phone Number: (352) 235-4641
Email: aasam@aol.com
Mother SSN: NAN
Mother SSN Lookup: NAN
                             Phone Number Lookup
                                 Amena Maria Asam
                                 (352) 235-4641
                                 Carrier Tmobile
                                 Address 143 Spruce Rd, Interlachen, FL
                                 Jason S Reynolds
                                 (352) 235-4199
                                 Carrier Tmobile
                                 Address 143 Spruce Rd, Interlachen, FL
                             Ip information




ISP:ICDS Deployment

Services:None detected

Country:United States



Latitude:32.9628 (32° 57′ 45.97″ N)

Longitude:-96.7449 (96° 44′ 41.54″ W)
                         Email Lookup
aasam@aol.com: https://files.catbox.moe/ckypqs.json
bill.conley51@yahoo.com: Nan
Next time dont mess with the wrong people.

Lapluh > Edest10