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				I do not forgive.
				I do not forget.
				    Fear me.

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Reason for Dox: Scammer, skid, fag

Fuck with vlone & get dropped nigga.

Victim: Dimitri Vanzandweghe (im sure his depression comes from writing that shit everyday)
Address: Oudstrijdersstraat 60 608370 Blankenberge, Belgium
Phone: 32489653263
Email: dimivz@outlook.com
Age: 16
Race: White
Hair: Black
Mental Disabilities: Autism
Face: https://gyazo.com/417d561b161465d573ceb17bdf7ba535 (fr looks like an over developed white monkey)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008385124551
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ9OUEe8N5iWXB8LoAt3KRA/featured
Snapchat: dimitri-vz
Roblox: ecceh
IP: 2a02.1811.b646.8900.056f.ea53.8aee.1e97 (pulled from blankmedia breach)
Data Breaches:
Some random call for sex LOL: https://sportotobetgiris.club/0489652660/
BlankMediaGames: https://ia801908.us.archive.org/13/items/blankmediagames-database/BlankMediaGames.txt
RandomAnon: https://cdn-14.anonfile.com/y9I0tavfbd/8d383922-1564865222/400k.txt
Also found on canva, I don't have the dump however.
House Info:
    Image: https://gyazo.com/6e628b96c97ee03b720c3f159a66e590
    Property type    House
    Construction area    89m 2
    facade width    6m
    Building depth    19m
    Building height    11m
    Ground area    170m 2
    Plot width    6m
    Plot depth    29m
    Estimated garden area    84m 2
    Coordinates    51°18'29.7"N 3°7' 21.3"E
    Back/orientation garden    South East
    Building    Closed
    flood zone    Not in flood zone
Name: Maerlantkrant High School
Address: Van Maerlantstraat 1 8370 Blankenberge, Belgium
No idea what the rest of this shit mean but it from the school lmfao
Rek.  BE02 3840 1263 4740
Bond Onze Scholen v.z.w.
Mededeling: lidmaatschap BOS 20-21
Name: DVz Corp
Registered: false

Fuck with vlone & you get dropped nigga. 

Credit: davidvlone, interzone, avoiding_cases, simiest

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