Chinese cocksleeve with daddy issue hungry for European dicks, stealing other girls' boyfriends and got zero morals
Stupid Ching Chong bitch believes she's a Parisian
All she is good at is to be passed around like a whore as she should be
Even did abortion twice just cuz she doesn't know what a condom is
Should consider selling her body instead of designing her ugly clothes with her low IQ
Personal info

Christina Chang
AKA Chang Wei

Alias: christina0729100

DOB: 1992/07/29 (30 Years Old)
Height: 163cm
Weight: 57kg
Ethnicity: East Asian
Phone:  +33783670301 - Mobile/iMessage/WeChat/WhatsApp/snapchat/Line
Nationality: Taiwan
Address: 16 Rue Desnouette 75015 Paris, France

Education: Tamkang University, ESMOD Paris
Job: Fresh graduate, Freelance fashion stylist/ clothing altering service
Social Media (With Photos)

(active on FB/Insta)

Main      - @christina7chang
Old Main  - @christina0729100 (currently deactivated)
Business  - @mr._by_christinachang

Snapchat: christina0729100

Known address

family address: No.232-54, Shen'aokeng Rd., Xinyi Dist., 
                Keelung City 201008, Taiwan
If you're in/near Paris, hit her up for ONS, hookup and she'll go for it cuz she's very easy, if you're from other areas, feel free to greet her with sexts/dick pics, it's open season boys!