Dumb bitch with low self esteem who would post nudes on first day for attention cuz she's an attention whore with daddy issues who will do anything to get French Passport and clouts
which includes getting fucked by hundreds of dudes for free, that explain why she's dumb since sucking too many dicks destroyed her brain cells
Bitch didn't even think about opening up OF for extra cash since she loved putting her ass out so much
Informations personnelles

Christina Chang
AKA Chang Wei

Alias: christina0729100

DOB: 1992/07/29 (30 years old)
Height: 162cm
Weight: 57kg
Ethnies: Chinese
Mobile:  +33783670301 - Mobile/iMessage/WeChat/WhatsApp/snapchat/Line
Nationality: Taiwan China
Location: Strassbourg, France
E-mail: christina0729100@gmail.com

Linkedin: https://fr.linkedin.com/in/wei-christina-chang-b07454214?trk=public_profile_browsemap

Éducation: Tamkang Université, ESMOD Paris
Travail/Job: assistant de couture 

Social Media (with photos)

(actif sur FB/Insta)

Main      - @christina7chang
Old Main  - @christina0729100 (currently deactivated)
Business  - @mr._by_christinachang

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christina.chang.16              
Snapchat: christina0729100

Adresse connue

Family Address : No.232-54, Shen'aokeng Rd., Xinyi Dist., 
                 Keelung City 201008, Taiwan

feel free to text her for free nudes after some sweet talks, or if you're in/near Strassbourg use her as free cumdump and stay safe boys!!