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Doxed by S & S reason:

Bi Slut Broke so Many relation ships Dont know how to get a boyfriend and Fucked 50% of the School and got 30% REJECTED Tell everyone that she got Abused by her Mother Always talking shit and made fun of dead people                                                        
French Slut*                                                            
Personal Info:
Real Name: Juliette Labbé
Info on past location: She lived in Laval,Duvernay.
Images: https://imgur.com/a/InrWep7
Info: 16 years old She cheated on so many guys that they don't like her so she turned bi had so Many Sex That she got purple Lips (yes i'm talking about her pussy lips)
Tell everyone that she got abused but she literally Abused her Mother.
School: Laval Senior Academy (Source found on the internet)
Video Of her School : https://youtu.be/P6aTk4-qs38
Picture With Her Mom (fat) : https://imgur.com/a/MCGNib4 
Familly Info :
Mom name : Sophie Kradolfer Langevin
Info on her mom : Divorced, Marry with her step dad who is tinier then the Mom
Aka The Abuser Of Children (Yes that's what Juliette Says)
Picture of the Mom : https://imgur.com/a/CizIwOb
Work at Co-operators Insurance (Mom)
Step Dad name : Frédéric Langevin
Work at Maison Corbeil Since 2014 (Dad)
Picture of the Step Dad : https://imgur.com/a/y4R45TP
Bio of the Dad : Nothing to say about him totally useless
Telephone : +1 (438) 502-6491 
Snapchat: jlabbe999
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lily_labbe/

Her Mom is Bigger Then my Fridge
Dont Forget To Call the number :)
Doxed By Bob :)