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Name: Tomas Issa.
Email: tomasissa11@gmail.com
Current Country: Stockholm, Sweden.
Religion: Arabic
Reason for doxx: Booting people off, Scamming, Spreading false information.
Languages he speak: Swedish, Arabic, English
Youtube: MafiaGT, SweDreams
Spotify: tomasissa11
Xbox Account: MafiaGT4647
Discord: Mafia#1234
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tomas.issa.96
Relevant people: Jennifer Issa, Bashar Yousif Rassam, Ghostgod (Also known as his younger brother or cousin), Rozalin Giorgis

Mother: Jennifer Issa
Father: Bashar Yousif Rassam

Mother's Job: Språkservice Sverige AB
Father's Job: (Founder, Director, CEO for Marketplace/STHLM)(Co/ Founder for People Potential)(Founder, Director, CEO for Smart Business Academy AB - Sweden)(Advisor for Essential Education)(Founder, Director, CEO for Integram)(Founder, Director, CEO for New Life Assistans AB
)(Founder, Director, CEO for jennymobler.se)

Mother's scholarship: (Farsta Gymnasium)
Father's scholarship: (Newmaninstitutet Uppsala)(Ersta Sköndal högskola)(University of Salahaddin)(Faculty of Arts & Humanities > College of Arts - Department of Sociology & Social Work)

Mother & Father Live area in Sweden: Stuvsta, Stockholms Län, Sweden.

--------------------Mafia Links--------------------

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Name: Unknown.
Email: Unknown.
Current Country: Stockholm, Sweden.
Religion: Arabic.
Reason for doxx: Booting people off, Scamming, Spreading false information, threatening to ddos & doxx players on Engima.
Languages he speak: Swedish, Arabic, English.
Discord: GhostGod#7032
Spotify: GhostGod
Xbox Account: GhostGod1Q
Facebook: Unknown.
Relevant people: Jennifer Issa, Bashar Yousif Rassam, Tomas Issa.

--------------------Ghostgod Links--------------------


Engima discord server: https://discord.com/invite/kTEtwUce7h
(The server Mafia and Ghostgod are ServerManagers to)

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                    Doxxed By SkidFucker