.ed"""" """$$$$be. -" ^""**$$$e. ." '$$$c / Dealt By Dive "4$$b d 3 $$$$ $ * .$$$$$$ .$ ^c $$$$$e$$$$$$$$. d$L 4. 4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b $$$$b ^ceeeee. 4$$ECL.F*$$$$$$$ e$""=. $$$$P d$$$$F $ $$$$$$$$$- $$$$$$ z$$b. ^c 3$$$F "$$$$b $"$$$$$$$ $$$$*" .=""$c 4$$$$L $$P" "$$b .$ $$$$$...e$$ .= e$$$. ^*$$$$$c %.. *c .. $$ 3$$$$$$$$$$eF zP d$$$$$ "**$$$ec " %ce"" $$$ $$$$$$$$$$* .r" =$$$$P"" "*$b. "c *$e. *** d$$$$$"L$$ .d" e$$***" ^*$$c ^$c $$$ 4J$$$$$% $$$ .e*".eeP" "$$$$$$"'$=e....$*$$**$cz$$" "..d$*" "*$$$ *=%4.$ L L$ P3$$$F $$$P" "$ "%*ebJLzb$e$$$$$b $P" %.. 4$$$$$$$$$$ " $$$e z$$$$$$$$$$% "*$c "$$$$$$$P" ."""*$$$$$$$$bc .-" .$***$$$"""*e. .-" .e$" "*$c ^*b. .=*"""" .e$*" "*bc "*$e.. .$" .z*" ^*$e. "*****e. $$ee$c .d" "*$. 3. ^*$E")$..$" * .ee==d% $.d$$$* * J$$$e* """"" "$$$" Reason for dox: abuses mother and raped multiple women and beats them when the speak up. Name: Ethan Ryan Age: 16 Address: 64 Marjorie Dr, Buffalo, NY 14223 Phone Number(s): Email(s): (school email) ryanet24@student.ktufsd.org School: Kenmore East High School Ktufsd Socials: Instagram: 4kt_ej Father: Absent Mother: Address: 64 Marjorie Dr, Buffalo, NY 14223 No other further information.