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\_____/\_| |_/\_| \_/___/  \___/\_| \_/ \_____/\____/\_| |_/\_| \_/
 ➣ Name: Landon Hughes
➤Race: White ofc
➤height: 5'4
➤Age: 16
➤Reason to be on the bins: Nigga thought he could stay low after cheating with 14 girls LMFAO
➤ Snap: duckonqvack2214
➤ Discord: melonne#9069
Irl Shit
➤ Address: 2812 18th st se Puyallup, WA 98374
➤ Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1017238551861153823/1030184535062753392/unknown.png
➤ Phone Number: 5093122159 (American Zone Number)
This is the story of the Man named Landon Hughes, A self-proclaimed rizz god which btw is corny as shit, a total body count of 14, but guess what those body counts caught up to him, as those 14 girls he fucked
sucked and played with wanted some revenge, and that's y i'm doing this bin, any further info will be updated here, hope you autistic cunts a great day!

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 _____                          _ 
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