|---|» Greetz : BzGzz, Caner, Gaza, Skrr50, Yxro, Bxndzz, Reaktoo, Stamina , Aimz & Team Shisha
                                                                       |---|» GO GETBACK CUZ ITS LIT NIGGA
                                                                       |---|» 023 Biggest retard = PtjeK
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Dylan is an annoying guy who acts tough behind his PC. Doxing people, blackmailing women, and threatening people.
PS: Dylan has already been tackled in real life (recently beaten up and robbed), which is why he plays gangster on PC with his mental disorder
let this be a wise lesson, don't touch women and don't take advantage of anyone. This is your own fault and you will pay for it now
We are a getback gang not a sitback gang so here is your downfall: 
               ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗ ███╗   ██╗███╗   ██╗ █████╗ ██╗         ██╗███╗   ██╗███████╗ ██████╗ 
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║                       Basic Information                  ║
➤ Name: Dylan Pietersma 
➤ Address: Koning Willem I laan 136, 2132RE Hoofddorp
➤ Jump Video: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1134250152207585292/1174782296033869955/c32cbcca-61f0-44cf-aee9-9982f476ad1b.mov?ex=6568d845&is=65566345&hm=d084457e221f6805e27fa45a167e18a7db972186286004c59fb14abd971701b1&
➤ Picture: https://imgur.com/tRonELT - https://imgur.com/yTb7BxS - https://imgur.com/Mm3nm1w - https://imgur.com/Y032B26 - https://imgur.com/OEokaBp - https://imgur.com/gqG1h9J
➤ Picture with his friends: https://imgur.com/R3TQrcd
➤ Instagram: ptje023 , Snapchat: ptje023
➤ School: ROC Nova College
➤ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dylan.pietersma.92
➤ Discord: @doekoe , 892861810447892541
➣ Usernames: "Ptje","Doezoe", "DP"
Funfact: Dylan, was caught lacking irl too. https://imgur.com/Q0q6ciJ 
║                       Basic Information                  ║
➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 05/10/2007 - DD/MM/YYYY
➤ Age: 15 - soon 16!
➤ Address: Koning Willem I laan 136, 2132RE Hoofddorp
➤ Jump Video: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1134250152207585292/1174782296033869955/c32cbcca-61f0-44cf-aee9-9982f476ad1b.mov?ex=6568d845&is=65566345&hm=d084457e221f6805e27fa45a167e18a7db972186286004c59fb14abd971701b1&
➤ Location of Birth: Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands
➤ Location: Hoofddorp Centrum, Noort-Holland, Haarlemmermeer//
➤ Race: White, Romanian
➤ Sexual Orientation: Straight
➤ Native Language: Dutch/Romanian
➣ Gender: Male
➣ Weight: 62,3 kg
➣ Height: 1,75 cm
║                       Basic Information                  ║
➤ Country of Citizenship: Netherlands 
➤ Mobile Phone Number: "+31 6 26 95 20 12"
➤ Address: Koning Willem I laan 136, 2132RE Hoofddorp
➤ Jump Video: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1134250152207585292/1174782296033869955/c32cbcca-61f0-44cf-aee9-9982f476ad1b.mov?ex=6568d845&is=65566345&hm=d084457e221f6805e27fa45a167e18a7db972186286004c59fb14abd971701b1&
➤ Postal Code: 2131
➤ Email Address: "dnpietersmadn08@gmail.com"
➤ IP Adress:
➤ Provider: Ziggo.nl
➤ Windows_NT Computername = DESKTOP-MCOQ4D3 
➤ UUID: 03000200-0400-0500-0006-000700080009
➣ Timezone: [CET] Central European Time
➣ Previous Passwords: "Dylanpro2007", "Dylanpro2007!"

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║                       Family & Friends                   ║
➤ Daddy Name: Cornel Pietersma
  ➣ Picture: https://imgur.com/07Wo8mx , https://imgur.com/L6M1Scf
  ➣ Age: 50 or sum
  ➣ Mobile Phone Number: "0627139606"
  ➣ Facebook: "https://www.facebook.com/cornel.pietersma"
  ➣ Place to find: http://www.valdore.com/accueil.nl.htm
  ➣ Additional Information
║                       Family & Friends                   ║
➤ Mommy Name: Lacra Leonte
  ➣ Picture: https://imgur.com/DnOeWE1 , https://imgur.com/WCQKD1o
  ➣ Age: 50 or sum
  ➣ Facebook: "https://www.facebook.com/lacra.leonte"
  ➣ Additional Information
║                       Family & Friends                   ║
➤ Sister Name: Samira Kaya
  ➣ Picture: https://imgur.com/J1PI1ZZ , https://imgur.com/sUwx0k0
  ➣ Age: 20 or sum
  ➣ Works at: Genieten Enzo Hoofddorp 
  ➣ Facebook: "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068449864253"
  ➣ Additional Information  
║                       Family & Friends                   ║
➤ Grandma Name: Nina Leonte
  ➣ Picture: https://imgur.com/QF3SskJ , https://imgur.com/0sbstvk
  ➣ Age: Almost death (Possible death soon)
  ➣ Facebook: "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071007120376"
BzGzz [Doxer/Writer]