We warned you. You didn't listen. Expect us anytime Michael.
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I- Reason:
Toxicity, being an absolute idiot. And mainly fucking with us.
II- Personal Information:
- Full Name: Michael Gutzeit
- Address: Mehringen 22
           doppelhaus das rechte
           27318 Mehringen
House View: https://www.google.de/maps/place/Mehringen+22,+27318+Hilgermissen/@52.8213581,9.1453897,59m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x47b0eefe153df327:0x6b0224223f0819ee!8m2!3d52.82139!4d9.14552  
Exact view: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/728479047298056244/738117366973464616/unknown.png
- E-Mail Address: MMMMMMichio@web.de
- Used Password (Changed Today): Gutzeit12
- Phone Number: +49 095895356
- Online Username: DustyHero
- Discord Tag: DustyHero#7956
More info will be provided and this dox will be updated with time
III- Credits:
Our team.
IV- Final message:
For Michael, We can still resolve this, contact us via the Discord that has been sent to you on your E-Mail.