"Дунай (Dunai)" - Member of russian nazi-terrorist group "Славянское единение (SlavEdinenie)" Reason: Discrimination, participation in a terrorist group, fights, psychological violence, threats to life and health, etc. MAIN: Name: Лебедев Арсений Олегович Country: Russia City: Pushkin, St. Petersburg (Russia) ; Phone Number (actual): +79952335139 Service Provider: Tinkoff Mobile Address: г. Пушкин, ул. Парковая, д. 4, кв. 1 (Pushkin, Parkovaya st., h. 4, appartment 1) Telegram @: @didray123 Telegram ID: 1906731967 Date of birth: 17.07.2007 (17 years old) ; PASSPORT INFO: Given by: ГУ МВД РОССИИ ПО Г. САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ И ЛЕНИНГРАДСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ. Unit Code: 780039 TIN: 470417695488 ; School (OLD): № 464, Pavlovsk, St. Petersburg http://school464.spb.ru/ ; PHOTOS & VIDEOS: Photo 1: https://imgur.com/a/ytRfCc8 Photo 2: https://imgur.com/a/SpEdSp3 Video: https://imgur.com/a/fQg8K2D --------------------------------------------------- FULLY DONE BY BAME. validity of information confirmed hope u die .