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Wsp guys a new doxx from me and xottic🤗
Let’s begin!
Name: Ashanti Pedraja Teigesser
Age: 19
School: 100 814
 Ashanti Pedraja Teigesser
 Ottmar-Mergenthaler-Realschule kleinglattbach
Dc: lashantii01
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashantipedraja?igsh=bXZvdDF5d3lhendy
Paypal: Ashanti Pedraja Teigesser
Her mother
Name: Marietta pedraja teigesser
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mariettapedrajate?_t=8nKqD8z6JjE&_r=1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maria_bandida_tulum?igsh=bHR0c3pzM2g0ajhs

So bye bye Ashanti u got doxxed by
Vantixt and xottic
