<============================================================================================> \ #ViLE ,. _~-., . / / ~'`_ \/,_. \_ \ \ Welcome / ,"_>@`,__`~.) | . / / To Doxbin, | | @@@@' ",! . . ' \ \ Enjoy |/ ^^@ .! \ | / / / Your `' .^^^ ,' ' | . . \ \ Stay .^^^ . \ / . federal#1234 / / .^^^ ' . \ | / . ' https://vile.sh \ \ .,.,. ^^^ ` . .,+~'`^`'~+,. , ' https://ft.fail / / &&&&&&&&&&&&&&, ,^^^^. . ._ ..__ _ .' '. 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E###D. j##, ~`'^ G#W. / / ,ffW#Dffj. :K#Wfff; E#t j##f :K#Wfff; E#jG#W; ~`'^` G###, D#K. \ \ ;LW#ELLLf. i##WLLLLt E#t :E#K: i##WLLLLt E#t t##f :E####, ~`' E#K. / / E#t .E#L E#t t##L .E#L E#t :K#E: ;W#DG##, .E#E. \ \ E#t f#E: E#t .D#W; f#E: E#KDDDD###i j###DW##, .K#E / / E#t ~`'^`' ,WW; E#tiW#G. ,WW; E#f,t#Wi,,, G##i,,G##, .K#D \ \ E#t .D#; E#K##i ~`'^`'~= .D#; E#t ;#W: :K#K: L##, .W#G / / E#t ~`'^`'~=- tt E##D. tt DWi ,KK: ;##D. L##, :W##########Wt \ \ ;#t E#t ~`'^`'~=-~`'^`'~=- ,,, .,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,. / / :; L: \ \ .-=~'`^~`'^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^.-=~' / / \ \ .-=~'`^_,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,.-=~'`^`'~=-.,__,.-=~'.-=~ / <============================================================================================> / #ViLE _____ _ _ _ _ \ \ |_ _| | | | | | | (_) / / | | _ __ | |_ _ __ ___ __| |_ _ ___| |_ _ ___ _ __ \ \ | | | '_ \| __| '__/ _ \ / _` | | | |/ __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \ / / _| |_| | | | |_| | | (_) | (_| | |_| | (__| |_| | (_) | | | | \ \ |_____|_| |_|\__|_| \___/ \__,_|\__,_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| / / \ \ Greetings Hacker! / / \ \ Welcome to another paste by the one and only, federal. Today we are taking a walk / / through the tale of Dubi, the egotistical larp. Dubi enjoys running around on discord \ \ sending pictures of himself, some of which naked, in an attempt to frame and persuade / / random communities his irls, are pics of someone else. The reasonining for his \ \ madness? We have no idea. The best reasoning we have is that Dubi's girlfriend went / / for the victim of his madness' friend. Dubi is known in Roblox communities for being \ \ a total goober for awhile now. Out of total anger due to the loss of his e-girl, dubi / / went to pretty extensive length, even sending his own nudes around. If you're reading \ \ this dubi, you're an egotistical freak. I have never met you, but know you for being / / an idiot. Calm your ego, or this won't be the end. ~ Federal \ \ / / [Reasons] \ \ - Egotistical prick / / - Attacks people for no reason \ \ - Fail doxer / / - Spreading child porn \ \ / / [Evidence] \ \ - https://z.zz.fo/imHtO.png / / - https://z.zz.fo/imHtO.png \ \ / <============================================================================================> / #ViLE _____ _ \ \ | __ \ | | / / | |__) |__ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ _| | \ \ | ___/ _ \ '__/ __|/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | | / / | | | __/ | \__ \ (_) | | | | (_| | | \ \ |_| \___|_| |___/\___/|_| |_|\__,_|_| / / \ \ Name: Ivan Hernandez / / \ \ Age: 16 / / \ \ Address: 241 W Miller Ave, Garden City, NY 11530 / / \ \ Phone: (708) 476-5495 / / > Carrier: Verizon Wireless \ \ > MMS: 7084765495@vzwpix.com / / > SMS: 7084765495@vtext.com \ \ / / IP: \ \ / / Email: ivanhernandez@gmail.com \ \ > Common Passwords: / / > QAZ2wsx \ \ > hernandez303 / / > snail123 \ \ > Found on: / / > Adobe \ \ > Amazon / / > Discord \ \ > Eventbrite / / > MySpace \ \ > Samsung / / > Spotify \ \ > Wattpad / / \ \ Email: chomperforever@yahoo.com / / > Found on: \ \ > Amazon / / > Yahoo \ \ > MySpace / / \ \ Face: / / > https://z.zz.fo/sXvwf.jpg \ \ > https://z.zz.fo/B7UPx.png / / > https://z.zz.fo/VHky2.png \ \ > https://z.zz.fo/YKmyV.jpg / / \ <============================================================================================> \ #ViLE _____ _ _ __ __ _ _ / / / ____| (_) | | | \/ | | (_) \ \ | (___ ___ ___ _ __ _| | | \ / | ___ __| |_ __ _ / / \___ \ / _ \ / __| |/ _` | | | |\/| |/ _ \/ _` | |/ _` | \ \ ____) | (_) | (__| | (_| | | | | | | __/ (_| | | (_| | / / |_____/ \___/ \___|_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|\__,_|_|\__,_| \ \ / / Discord: \ \ > dubi#0001 (745777065600483368) / / > dubi#0002 (744344460015435909) \ \ / / Roblox: \ \ > https://www.roblox.com/users/1462499830/profile / / > Terminated \ \ > Limiteds / / > Dominus Aureus \ \ > https://www.roblox.com/users/103838106/profile / / > Active \ \ > Limiteds / / > Front Stand \ \ > Blizard Beast Mode / / > Violet Fang \ \ > Pink Mermaid Princess / / > Happy TIme Magic Flower Hat \ \ > Adurite Antlers / / > Green Wsitful Wink \ \ > The Bribe / / > Blue Wistful Wink \ \ / / Snapchat: dubiwastaken \ \ / / TikTok: dubiwastaken \ \ / <============================================================================================> / #ViLE ______ _ _ \ \ | ____| | | | | / / | |__ __ _| |_| |__ ___ _ __ \ \ | __/ _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__| / / | | | (_| | |_| | | | __/ | \ \ |_| \__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_| / / \ \ Name: Jose Hernandez / / \ \ Age: 45 / / \ \ DOB: 12/01/1978 / / \ \ SSN: 118-76-3214 / / \ \ Phone: (657) 298-2749 / / > Carrier: TextNow \ \ > VOiP / / \ \ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076475836969 / / \ \ Address: 241 W Miller Ave, Garden City, NY 11530 / / \ \ Email: esoj413@gmail.com / / > Found on: \ \ > Discord / / > Samsung \ \ > Spotify / / \ \ Email: josedaboss21@yahoo.com / / \ \ Employment: HACER FELIZ A LA PERSONA K MAS AMO EN EL MUNDO / / \ \ Education: Studied at UAL Universidad Puerto Vallarta / / \ \ Bankruptcy: / / > Filed: 10/21/2019 \ \ > Chapter: 13 / / > Disposition: Dismissed \ \ > Case #: 1913340 / / \ <============================================================================================> \ #ViLE __ __ _ _ / / | \/ | | | | | \ \ | \ / | ___ | |_| |__ ___ _ __ / / | |\/| |/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__| \ \ | | | | (_) | |_| | | | __/ | / / |_| |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_| \ \ / / Name: Maria Carmen McElroy \ \ / / Age: 45 \ \ / / Licenses: \ \ > Nurse Registered (RN) / / > Number: #849871 \ \ / / Address: 241 W Miller Ave, Garden City, 11530 \ \ / / Phone: (410) 779-9701 \ \ > Carrier: TextNow / / \ \ Email: maria_c1234@hotmail.com / / \ \ Email: wolflady1000@yahoo.com / / > Common Passwords: \ \ > thisisme2 / / > Found On: \ \ > Amazon / / > MySpace \ \ / / Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maria.mcelroy.904 \ \ / / IP: \ \ / / Vehicles: \ \ > 2001 Subaru Outback / / > 2014 Subaru Imrepza WRX \ \ / <============================================================================================> / #ViLE _____ _ _ / \ / ____| | (_) \ / | | | | ___ ___ _ _ __ __ _ / \ | | | |/ _ \/ __| | '_ \ / _` | \ / | |____| | (_) \__ \ | | | | (_| | / \ \_____|_|\___/|___/_|_| |_|\__, | \ / __/ | / \ |___/ \ / / \ Sorry for bursting little imaginary world Ivan, all good things come to an end. \ / / \ Credit: \ / > Federal / \ > federal#1234 \ / > t.me/affiances / \ > https://ft.fail/federal \ <============================================================================================>