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Big ol hax0r boy isn't so hax0ry now.
Aliases: Dropout, Dropout1337, sleep, sleepxd
Accounts: https://github.com/sleepxd https://github.com/Dropout1337 
Discord current info: ID = 697235362409480284 ; Dropout#1337
How to spot a wild dropout: Usually flexes shit python scripts, also has gay "D" as pfp or the NSA logo. Also speaks like a retard.
Notes: Skidded sinful like a donkey, pretends to be a python god when he is big n00b. Also said his namecheap got hacked. I doubt it but anyway
Owns: Dropout.vip, Discordfucked.me, other 3-4 domains.
Weird stuff: https://github.com/Mindgamesnl https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbRPRvJTNdOEfx5xlqzBT2w https://www.nulled.to/user/1647309-sleepxd http://www.news12.com/story/34818750/police-teen-dead-after-shot-in-head
Location: New Zealand, Hastings, Napier
Schools: Napier Boys High, Taradale High school (MOST LIKELY TARADALE, WILL GET CONFIRMATION SOON)
Photo: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740353305003163760/753211105425358928/dropout.jpg
Photo location (allegedly): A port in Napier, New Zealand
Age: 15
Other: Little boy blocked me after he saw the paste lol
Will continue updating this paste
Legal notice ( All info was obtained legally ) 
:) Enjoy your day