                                                                                      |---|   » Greators: webmurder & Alladin
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                                                                         Discord: drim2 / id: 805064983796383764
          ║                   ║ Information ║                   ║ 
          ║ Name - Артём Дмитреивич                             ║
          ║ Number - 79029660495                                ║ 
          ║ Place of school - ул. Интернационалистов, 12        ║
          ║ Place of residence - Россия, Томск                  ║
          ║ Mail - drim.top.01@mail.ru                          ║
                                                                 ║                   Social network                    ║
                                                                 ║                         VK                          ║
                                                                 ║ https://vk.com/id588567149                          ║
                                                                 ║                        TikTok                       ║
                                                                 ║ https://www.tiktok.com/@bsdrim4                     ║
                                                                 ║ https://www.tiktok.com/@bsdrim0                     ║
                                                                 ║                        YouTube                      ║
                                                                 ║ www.youtube.com/channel/UCam6t7yDAMZs-ptbntX8KOw    ║
                                                                 ║                       Telegram                      ║
                                                                 ║ https://t.me/bsdrim1                                ║
                                                                                                                        ║                     Portfolio                       ║
                                                                                                                        ║ https://imgur.com/joOInYF                           ║
                                                                                                                        ║ https://imgur.com/lAcqjaZ                           ║
                                                                                                                        ║ https://imgur.com/uBb9lSc                           ║

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                                                                                                                        You ran from us for a long time but you made big mistakes...

              TGK: https://t.me/mullvadopen
