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Welcome back sick fucks! Today we are grabbing all info we can on the worst singer the world has ever touched "Drew Gulliver" a whore with the ugliest face known to man AND a FUCKING OnlyFans

EDIT: The first version of this paste was a different Drew Gulliver, Not the singer I meant to target, this paste now shows the info Singer and NSFW Star, Drew Gulliver

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Oh Joy! that gives me a opportunity to fuckin dox you!

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Having a Goddamn OF
Making everyone cringe

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 )((_) ( /(  (  )\   (    /(_)) (   (()/(   (  
((_)_  )(_)) )\((_)  )\  (_))   )\ ) /(_))  )\ 
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 |___/\__,_|/__/|_|\__|  |___||_||_| |_|  \___/
Full Name: Drew Gulliver
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Nationality: American
Race: Western European
Religion: Protestant

 (                                          (                    
 )\ )                                  (    )\ )       (         
(()/(   (   (                       )  )\  (()/(       )\ )      
 /(_)) ))\  )(   (    (    (     ( /( ((_)  /(_)) (   (()/(   (  
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|_|  \___| |_|  /__/\___/|_||_| \__,_||_|  |___||_||_| |_|  \___/
Home Address: 40620 Glenwood Ln, Palm Desert, CA
Phone Number: (814) 341-4693
Email: drewgulliver@viralnationtalent.com
Coordinates of Address: 33°45'12"N 116°23'25"W
Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1196520539347497010/1207969477912829952/images.png?ex=65e1943e&is=65cf1f3e&hm=db61b5cbc7e381035834fb0345e891d9019bac9bb9ed69cb86e49c74ecddb70a&=&format=webp&quality=lossless
Link for Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drewgulliver
Link for Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drewgulliver/
Martial Status: Single
Education: University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Wealth (29) nigga BROKE for a singer	
Donor (18)	
Travel (56)
Zip Code: 92260-2343

 )\ )                   (       
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|_|  \__,_||_|_|_|  |_||_| \_, |
Austin Ramsey
Bethany Sinclair
Clark Ramsey
Donald Ramsey (Father)
Robin Ramsey (Mother)
Tyler Gulliver
Karen Ramsey
Michael Locke
Neil Sinclair

    )                        (                    
 ( /(                        )\ )       (         
 )\())        (         (   (()/(       )\ )      
((_)\   (    ))\  (    ))\   /(_)) (   (()/(   (  
 _((_)  )\  /((_) )\  /((_) (_))   )\ ) /(_))  )\ 
| || | ((_)(_))( ((_)(_))   |_ _| _(_/((_) _| ((_)
| __ |/ _ \| || |(_-</ -_)   | | | ' \))|  _|/ _ \
|_||_|\___/ \_,_|/__/\___|  |___||_||_| |_|  \___/
Last Sold: $775,000
Beds: 4
Baths: 2.75
Square Feet: 2,300
Lot Square Feet: 8,726
Price pr Square Feet: 357
Parking Spaces: 2
Year Built: 1990
APN: 622-290-055
Last Sold: Mar 16, 2023
Picture of House: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1196520539347497010/1208164419994001468/image.png?ex=65e249cc&is=65cfd4cc&hm=3d43f599653e1a7c4ae8f3a69686514814b26da0f8bebc70144fe75345ca02ec&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1920&height=651

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(_)) __| ((_) ((_) (()(_)| |(_))    |   \  ((_) ((_)| |(_)
  | (_ |/ _ \/ _ \/ _` | | |/ -_)   | |) |/ _ \| '_|| / / 
   \___|\___/\___/\__, | |_|\___|   |___/ \___/|_|  |_\_\ 
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        URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=intext%3A%2218143414693%22+%7C+intext%3A%22%2B18143414693%22+%7C+intext%3A%228143414693%22+%7C+intext%3A%22%28814%29+341-4693%22

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Results for local
Raw local: 8143414693
Local: (814) 341-4693
E164: +18143414693
International: 18143414693
Country: US

 (  `            )    )            
 )\))(        ( /( ( /(    (   (   
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(_()((_)  )\ (_))/((_)\  /((_)(()\ 
|  \/  | ((_)| |_ | |(_)(_))   ((_)
| |\/| |/ _ \|  _|| ' \ / -_) | '_|
|_|  |_|\___/ \__||_||_|\___| |_|   and Father, they live at the same address
Name: Robin Ramsey and Donald Ramsey
Address: 3443 Lake Ridge Dr, Murrysville, PA
Phone: (724) 327-2264 (Landline)
IP: (Proxy)

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cringemakaspidey -majority of dox
Function -IP Info and(for da future) SSNs
Vine -Socials
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