Drengr from hatelab was outed by members of his own group. Hatelab is a neonazi terrorgram channel
 that posted threats against minorities and jews. 

Drengr's real name is Matthew Scott Meelhuysen

He is 25, and lives in Washington state.


Those are his 2 accounts on facebook. 

He runs the terrorgram channel "HateKvlt" on telegram

If anyone has anything on this nazi and wants to forward it to the FBI feel free to do so. 
He and his admins have made repeated threats or advocated for the attacking of minorities and jews several times, which is why their 
Channels were taken down after one of our own help raid and mass report them.

We've seen many hateful fascists get taken down and arrested for making threats in jest online, but these people have been making actual
Threats. Matthew has contact details of his nazi admins in his channel.