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 _((_)  )\ (_))/ /((_) 
| \| | ((_)| |_ (_))   
| .` |/ _ \|  _|/ -_)  
|_|\_|\___/ \__|\___|  

⪢This will be the final dox on Dreamy

 (                                          (                                                             
 )\ )                                  (    )\ )       (                                )                 
(()/(   (   (                       )  )\  (()/(       )\ )       (       )       )  ( /( (               
 /(_)) ))\  )(   (    (    (     ( /( ((_)  /(_)) (   (()/(   (   )(     (     ( /(  )\()))\   (    (     
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| _ \(_))   ((_)((_) ((_) _(_/( ((_)_ | |  |_ _| _(_/((_) _| ((_) ((_) _((_)) ((_)_ | |_  (_) ((_) _(_/(  
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|_|  \___| |_|  /__/\___/|_||_| \__,_||_|  |___||_||_| |_|  \___/|_|  |_|_|_| \__,_| \__| |_|\___/|_||_|  
⪢Race: Black/African American
⪢Gender: Male
⪢Sexuality: Bisexual
⪢Full Name: Perell Laquarius Brown
⪢Relationship status: Married (2 kids)
⪢Date of birth: 02/18/1992
⪢Home Adress: 140 Emerson Ln #303 Salisbury, Nc 28147
⪢Work Adress: 2209 Arrowcreek Dr, Charlotte, North Carolina 28273, US 
⪢Face Picture: https://anonfiles.com/D9S2x40fyf/obraz_2022-07-24_232008760_png
⪢Graduation Picture: https://anonfiles.com/ocS2x704yd/obraz_2022-07-24_231901891_png

 (                                )                                     
 )\ )    )                     ( /(                   )                 
(()/( ( /(                (    )\())   (      )    ( /(    (   (        
 /(_)))\())  (    (      ))\  ((_)\   ))\    (     )\())  ))\  )(   (   
(_)) ((_)\   )\   )\ )  /((_)  _((_) /((_)   )\  '((_)\  /((_)(()\  )\  
| _ \| |(_) ((_) _(_/( (_))   | \| |(_))(  _((_)) | |(_)(_))   ((_)((_) 
|  _/| ' \ / _ \| ' \))/ -_)  | .` || || || '  \()| '_ \/ -_) | '_|(_-< 
|_|  |_||_|\___/|_||_| \___|  |_|\_| \_,_||_|_|_| |_.__/\___| |_|  /__/ 

⪢+1 808-610-8132
⪢(704) 798-1038
⪢(704) 857-9579
⪢(704) 245-4478
⪢(850) 771-2424

 )\ )                    (      
(()/(          (      )  )\     
 /(_)) (    (  )\  ( /( ((_)(   
(_))   )\   )\((_) )(_)) _  )\  
/ __| ((_) ((_)(_)((_)_ | |((_) 
\__ \/ _ \/ _| | |/ _` || |(_-< 
|___/\___/\__| |_|\__,_||_|/__/ 

⪢TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mr.bworld
⪢WhatsApp chat: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=18086108132
⪢Instagram 1: https://www.instagram.com/theonlydreamybull/
⪢Instagram 2: https://www.instagram.com/saxophonistrell/
⪢Instagram 3: https://www.instagram.com/perrelbrown/
⪢Twitter 1: https://twitter.com/dreamybullxxx/ 
⪢Twitter 2: https://twitter.com/dreamybullxxxl (suspended)
⪢Twitter 3: https://mobile.twitter.com/dreamyslube
⪢Snapchat: onlydreamybull
⪢Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/perrellbrown
⪢Discord: therealdreamy#???? 
⪢Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/perrellbrown/videos?app=desktop
⪢LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/perrellbrown/
⪢Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/perrellbrown
⪢Dibiz: https://www.dibiz.com/perrell
⪢WhitePages: https://www.whitepages.com/name/Perrell-Laquarius-Brown/NC?fs=1
⪢VoterRecords: https://voterrecords.com/voter/49894408/perrell-brown    
⪢Telegram Group: https://t.me/+rQLmI2g35oxiMThh 
⪢JustForFans: https://justfor.fans/dreamybullxxx                                                   
⪢Pornhub: pornhub.com/dreamybullxxx
⪢Chaturbate: Chaturbate.com/dreamybullxxx
⪢OnlyFans 1: Onlyfans.com/dreamybullfree
⪢OnlyFans 2: Onlyfans.com/dreamybullxxx
⪢Website: Dreamybullxxx.com

 (        )       )  (   )\     
 )\  ___ (     ( /(  )\ ((_)(   
((_)|___|)\  ' )(_))((_) _  )\  
| __|  _((_)) ((_)_  (_)| |((_) 
| _|  | '  \()/ _` | | || |(_-< 
|___| |_|_|_| \__,_| |_||_|/__/ 


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(()/(    )     )    (   )\ (     
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| |_ ((_)_  _((_))  (_)| | )(_)) 
| __|/ _` || '  \() | || || || | 
|_|  \__,_||_|_|_|  |_||_| \_, | 
⪢Family Picture: https://anonfiles.com/P3R3x30dy1/obraz_2022-07-24_231740796_png
⪢Kissing With Wife Picture: https://anonfiles.com/ibR3x00ey9/277765948_454353846462877_7937348150587245599_n_jpg
⪢Kids Picture: https://anonfiles.com/W0R8xf09y2/obraz_2022-07-24_231757723_png

   (                           )   )\ )                     (        
   )\    (    (      (      ( /(  (()/(   (           (     )\ )     
((((_)(  )(   )(    ))\ (   )\())  /(_)) ))\  (   (   )(   (()/( (   
 )\ _ )\(()\ (()\  /((_))\ (_))/  (_))  /((_) )\  )\ (()\   ((_)))\  
 (_)_\(_)((_) ((_)(_)) ((_)| |_   | _ \(_))  ((_)((_) ((_)  _| |((_) 
  / _ \ | '_|| '_|/ -_)(_-<|  _|  |   // -_)/ _|/ _ \| '_|/ _` |(_-< 
 /_/ \_\|_|  |_|  \___|/__/ \__|  |_|_\\___|\__|\___/|_|  \__,_|/__/ 


   (               (            )     
   )\   (      (   )\ )  (   ( /(     
 (((_)  )(    ))\ (()/(  )\  )\())(   
 )\___ (()\  /((_) ((_))((_)(_))/ )\  
((/ __| ((_)(_))   _| |  (_)| |_ ((_) 
 | (__ | '_|/ -_)/ _` |  | ||  _|(_-< 
  \___||_|  \___|\__,_|  |_| \__|/__/ 

⪢Thesofthard and кори (finding phone numbers, adresses, and full name)
⪢Me (adding new phone number, socials, pictures, arrest records)

                      . : .
      __________    '.  :  .'
     /         /\__.__'.:.'  .
     \_________\/  .  .':'.  .
                    .'  :  '.
                      ' : '