-Name: Anton Blenzig
-Age: 25
-Employment: FBI informant
-Address: Azlewood Apartments, 1025 Timberoaks Drive, Apt 4, Azle, Texas. That's the current one since he must be in Azle for Satanic Front. He used to live at 3825 Corporal Kennedy st, Bayside, New York.
-PO Box: 1411 Azle, TX 76098
-Email: Satanicfront@protonmail.com
-Number: +1 585-957-2381
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/VassagoDrakon
-Telegram channels he owns: https://t.me/SaturnianKamelotNexion and https://t.me/Hexadist
-Telegram account: https://t.me/DracoNoktul
-Blog: https://www.thesatanicfront.com/blog
-Reasoning: Anton is a retarded useless faker all-talk faggot sellout. Anyone especially the 'sinister' circles on telegram who will soon be crying on his shoulder can go die in the same ditch. His only real allies are some ugly Brazilian faggot on his blog page and downsie shemales 'Danielle' and 'Vesna'. Anton is the founder of Satanic Front (honeypot) and a former Tempel ov Blood member whose code was VM32.

-See https://t.me/AntonBl333nzig_DrakoNoctul for telegram dox and his most current full face pic.
-An earlier post containing his face when he was younger and backstory: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/30946637/