This guy tried to steal my browser cookies so he can log into websites with them and steal my stuff (What i know of he steals cookies from people and logs into their roblox accounts and steals their robux he pretend
that he's doing some adopt me avatar event and the winner gets a per here's his info go get this scammer:

Name: Balša Ćirović
Discord: ciirkeeee7
Roblox: 24kDeleted
Birthday: 2007-03-10
Age: 16
Location: Montenegro, Budva, Podgorica
Mother name: Jelena Cirovic 
Father name: Ratko Cirovic
Brother Name: Nemanja Cirovic

If anyones wants to know what he fully did to me:

He asked me if i want to participate in some avatar competition where i send him my avatar and then he rates it, if i win then i get some rewards which are lies. then he tells me to go to inspect elemt to to network and
send him my cookies which contain the thing used to log into websites. he wanted my cookies so he could log into my roblox account and steal my robux, and he could've done a lot more even steal crypto,etc